Five seconds

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I think I realized it when Sam suggested Steve should take him to the past, and he declined.

"Thanks, but I'll go alone," Rogers replied, giving his friend a grateful glance.

Then, I saw it in Bucky's eyes... I saw sadness, followed by regret that flickered briefly as he looked at me.

"Make sure you come back," I heard Barnes say.

"Everything will be fine, Buck," Steve replied.

After saying goodbye to his friend, he approached me, his soft blue eyes meeting mine. My heart ached, and I wanted to scream, but... I didn't. I smiled as Rogers came closer and took my hand in his.

"My hero is going on his last mission?" My voice didn't even tremble.

"Yes." A wide, kind smile spread across his face as he squeezed my hand tighter. "The last one."

"I'll be waiting."

"It's just five seconds."

Yes, just five seconds, but why does my heart feel nothing but pain? Because I'm scared. I'm afraid he won't come back. He's about to go into the past, where Peggy is. Young, vibrant Peggy Carter—Steve Rogers' first love. And even though now he's supposed to be mine... After all, we confessed our love to each other; all these years, we loved each other and went through so much together: Hydra's return, the Avengers' split, and Thanos' arrival... I should have been certain he would come back, but I saw Bucky's eyes, and I heard the hesitation in Steve's voice when he refused Sam...

Steve looked at me with such tenderness in his eyes, the same tenderness he had during our arguments... That calming look he gave me when he walked away, gave me time to cool off.

But now, now he might not come back.

Rogers kissed my cheek, and I felt his warm breath, the same breath that always drove me wild. My heart ached again. Steve let go of my hand, smiled, and headed towards the platform where his journey into the past would begin.

Banner activated the machine.

"Five seconds for us," Bruce answered Sam's question about how long Cap would be gone.

Yes, just five seconds. Steve activated his suit and prepared to jump.

"Ready, Steve? One foot here, the other there."

"Yeah..." Steve replied, somewhat tensely.

I clenched my fists at his words. It hurt so much.

Closing my eyes, I heard the faint pop that meant he was gone...

"Return in five..." Dr. Banner began the countdown.

And so, my five seconds began.

I remembered the first time I met that frightened Captain in the S.H.I.E.L.D. building. Such a tall, strong man, about whom legends had been told for years, was so scared of the modern world. I understood him—falling asleep in the 20th century, waking up in the 21st—it was all hard to grasp, but still, it was so endearing. He was so endearing.

"...Four..." Bruce continued.

At that moment, I don't think I was even breathing. I imagined Steve's face, recalling every wrinkle, every contour of his cheeks and lips, and the shine in his blue eyes that I loved so much.


I wanted to cry and scream. I was so afraid that he wouldn't come back... The memory of his gaze and that final kiss would probably haunt me in my dreams.


But still, thank you, Steve, for all the time we spent together. I was happy with you, and you will always be my hero. After all, that's what I always called you... my hero.


And I understand. I'm letting you go, I know Peggy was your first love, you promised her a dance. I just want you to know—I'm letting you go, I will love you, and you will always be my hero.

A single tear rolled down my cheek, and I had to open my eyes.

"Were you crying?" Steve asked, removing his helmet. "I was only gone five seconds, what happened?"

"Steve..." I exhaled.

He stepped down from the platform and walked toward me. His gaze was full of concern.

"You..." He began. "You thought I wasn't coming back, didn't you?"

"It's just... just that Peggy was waiting for you in the past." I looked at him, barely believing my eyes.

He's here... Why did he come back?

It must have been clear from my expression, because Steve cupped my face in his warm hands and wiped away my tear with his thumb.

"Yes, I loved Peggy, but my heart belongs only to you now."

He left a soft kiss on my lips and looked into my tearful eyes with all his love.

"I want to grow old with you. I love only you. The past is in the past, you are my present and my future, and I will never lose you, my love."

Those words struck me to the depths of my soul. All the fear I had been holding onto during those long seconds melted away like morning mist under the sun's rays.

"I love you," I whispered back, full of happiness.

Steve smiled gently, squeezing my hands in his, his unspoken vow clear in his touch: he'd never leave me again—not even for such short five seconds...

IMAGINES: CAPTAIN AMERICA x READERWhere stories live. Discover now