My Drunk Captain America

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This evening, the super-soldier serum had failed. Tonight, Captain America was drunk. He and Cassandra had gone to the nearest bar to the Tower for a drink and some small talk, but Cassandra hadn't expected this at all. She definitely didn't expect Steve to be knocking back glass after glass all night, expressing how hard it was to adjust to life in the new world, how everything was so different from before, and that he could even get drunk. Cassandra had anticipated a quiet, peaceful conversation with the Captain. She just wanted to spend time with the man she had been in love with for the past year.

She wanted to listen to him talk about his life, maybe share a little of her own, and enjoy his voice, catching a few dreamy smiles and, if she was lucky, maybe finding excuses to touch him. But Cassandra didn't expect that she would have to carry Steve home in the middle of the night. Not only would she touch him, but she'd be holding onto his strong shoulders, pressing him against her fragile frame, feeling the warmth of his body, keeping him upright.

Sighing, she shifted under the weight of the Captain's arm and glanced from the Avengers Tower, so close yet so far away, to the horizon. Dawn was already glowing red. Soon, the city would wake up, its residents getting into their cars, heading to work, and if they saw Steve in this state, well, that wouldn't look good. His image would suffer, trust in Captain America would drop, and maybe even in the Avengers as a whole.

Cassandra sighed again. She had to get him home in time.

"We need, hiccup," Rogers suddenly slurred, his speech tangled, "to keep the party going!"

"We'll continue at home," Cassandra promised.

But Steve didn't like that answer. He swiftly pulled out of Cassandra's "embrace," took a step back, swayed a little, and looked blissfully at her.

"I want another bar, hiccup," his clouded gaze scanned the area for a suitable place, "or better yet, let's go ice skating! Hiccup! While it's still winter."

"How about we confiscate a bottle of something fancy from Stark's bar?" Cassandra tried to tempt Rogers with another idea. "I'm sure there's something interesting there."

"I don't want Stark," Cap frowned. "I want you."

And with a confident nod, Steve swayed again and nearly fell. If not for Cassandra's quick reflexes, he'd have definitely continued the rest of the way crawling.

"Careful, Captain," the girl whispered as she slipped back under his arm, pressing herself to his warm side.

Whatever anyone might say, right now, Steve was quite adorable and funny. With his lips puffed in a sulk, disheveled hair, and the drunken gleam in his eyes, he was so relaxed and at ease. She hadn't seen him like this in a long time-always collected, serious, and frowning. Though, that was exactly the Steve she had fallen in love with.

They managed to walk a little closer to the Tower when a brilliant idea flared up in the Captain's intoxicated mind, and he once again pulled away from Cassandra.

"Cassie," he took a step back, clumsily waved his arms, and looked at her, "do you know this song?"

And the Captain began to sing.

This was definitely something Cassandra hadn't expected.

"'Cause all of me

Loves all of you

Love your curves and all your edges..."

Steve managed to sing before Cassandra snapped out of her shock. At that moment, she could have fallen in love with him all over again. After all, he wasn't singing badly, and his eyes were filled with passion. But in the nearby building, lights began to flicker on in a couple of apartments, which meant Steve's singing hadn't gone unnoticed.

"You sing so well!" Cassandra exclaimed, grabbing the drunk Cap by the hand and dragging him toward the Tower. "I'm sure I can set up a karaoke for you at home."

"But I don't want karaoke, hiccup," Rogers whined. "I want to sing for you."

"'Cause all of me

Loves all of you

Love your curves and all your edges

All your perfect imperfections..."

Steve continued, stumbling behind Cassandra. But seeing no reaction from her, he stopped in the middle of the road, sulking. And no matter how much Cassandra tried to get him off the street, Steve's strength still far exceeded hers.

"I'm not going anywhere, hiccup," Steve said seriously, "until we talk. I need, hiccup, to tell you something important."

"And if you say it, will we go home?" Cassandra looked at him pleadingly.

"Yes." Steve nodded firmly, swaying again.

"Alright, I'm listening."

"I've thought it all through," Steve declared confidently. "We're really, really good together, hiccup."

Cassandra raised her eyebrows in confusion.

"We need to start dating," Cap continued. "And besides, hiccup, you're standing too far away, hiccup. I want to kiss you."

And as he took a step toward Cassandra, he swayed again, forcing her to catch him once more.

She wrapped her arms around his waist, and Steve contentedly scooped her up in his warm embrace.

"There, now that's better. This feels good."

Standing there in the middle of the road, just a few steps from the Tower, was strange and a little awkward. But only just a little, because Steve had just confessed his feelings to Cassandra. The girl was overjoyed. She was ready to jump up and squeal with happiness. She was even ready to be the first to kiss him. But he was drunk, and that raised the question: what would happen to them tomorrow?

"So, are you, hiccup, saying yes?" Captain asked, burying his nose in Cassandra's hair.

"To what?" she quietly clarified.

"To a life together, through thick and thin, for the rest of our days."

"Only if you remember all this after you sober up, Captain."

"I'll never forget you," Steve murmured slowly, closing his eyes.

His breathing steadied, and it became a little harder to support him.
Cassandra smiled. She glanced once more at the reddening sky, then gently pulled away from his embrace and somehow managed to drag Cap to the nearest bench.
Steve fell asleep as soon as his Captain's butt touched the hard surface, his head resting on her fragile shoulder.

"Well then," Cassandra muttered, pulling her phone out of her pocket, "I guess going out for a drink wasn't such a bad idea after all."

A happy smile played on her lips, and that familiar love song echoed in her mind.

Today was a great morning. And the day promised to be just as great. In fact, the rest of her life seemed like it would be just as wonderful. After all, a drunk Captain had pretty much confessed his love to her just now.

Cassandra unlocked her phone and sent Clint a message to come down to the main entrance. She would need some help getting Steve to his room.

She snuggled closer to the sleeping Captain and closed her eyes.

This felt good. Very good. And it was all because of love.

IMAGINES: CAPTAIN AMERICA x READERWhere stories live. Discover now