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They didn't seem to like that answer very much. Alpha Drew must have seen it on her face and knew she wasn't going to answer. He didn't look like he was angry, but his son was a different story, shock flashed across his face before it hardened. Ah, this was what she was waiting for, the anger. She could deal with this.

He bellowed out "How dare you-"But that was all he got out before he was interrupted by his father.

"There's no need for yelling-" The Alpha was saying but she tuned them out. She could hear the faint sound of a tiny heartbeat as it thumped in it's owners chest just outside of the door, the heavy breathing as they tried to calm down. Who ever owned this heart was either the tiniest person she had ever seen or was a child. Her money was  on it being a child. Well if she had any money that was.  

She kept her back to the door as she heard the doorknob silently turn and open up at little. She made sure that the others were still into their fight before she moved quietly in her seat so that she was now facing the direction that held the door.

It was amazing that the other werewolves did not notice that someone had come in. 

A girl, maybe 6, peer out at her from behind the door with big chocolate eyes. She took a small step towards her and she couldn't help but think that this little girl reminded her of one she knew a long time ago.

Stepping out of her mind she gave this tiny child a small smile and tilted her head towards the still fighting men and rolled her eyes. The girl laughed silently then paused in thought. After several moments the child nodded and ran her way over to where she was sitting. The girl grabbed her leg and stared up at her with a big goofy grin.

It was now silent in the room. It seems, that the men have finally stopped fighting long enough to realize that they had a visitor in the room. The Alpha's son was the first to react by saying "Alice, get away from her"

Alice. It suited her perfectly. She frowned, did they really think that she was going to hurt a defenseless child? She almost growled lowly at them for thinking such a thing about her but she didn't want to scare the kid who was clinging to her leg.

A small voice spoke back to him "I don't wanna Matty."

'Matty' turned to the Alpha "Dad, do something-" That confirmed her earlier thoughts. He was the Alphas son.

It seemed that his father had seen or maybe sensed that she wasn't going to hurt a child. He held up a hand and stated "Does it look like shes hurting Alice?"

Matty didn't have an answer so he settled for silence. She smirked at him before looking down again at Alice. She was such a pretty little thing. Reminded her so much of a another little girl that she knew in what felt like a lifetime ago.

"Your pretty" Alice's giggles broke her from her thoughts. That question stunned her. "My names Alice. What's yours?" Her question was innocent but she could feel the men in the room tense as they waited for her to speak for the first time since she got there.

If she told them her name than they would know who she was. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing they would most likely keep her locked up in the cells in the basement, but they might decide that it would be easier to just kill her. After all they thought she killed multiple packs.

But Alice's chocolate eyes looked at her with a sparkle that she didn't want to crush. Even if they did try to kill her, she could escape and still have her revenge. She had her inner battle for a few more moments before she gave in and spoke in the softest voice she had ever used "Lilith, little one, my name is Lilith."

Someone sucked in a sharp breath, another backed up and the last two did not breathe for a full minute. Alice's grin widened and she said "That's a really pretty name. I like it"

She shifted so that Alice could stand more comfortably and as she did her cuffs hit together making a clunking noise. Alice's eyes widened as she stared at her hands. "Ouchy" She whispered.

Lilith had forgotten that she even had them on. "They don't really hurt that much, little one." She admitted speaking in the same soft voice she used before.

'I'm not little, I'm 5 years old!" Her tiny voice sounding hurt as she held out five fingers. Lilith laughed quietly to herself.

"You're right, you're a big girl" Alice seemed happy at that and hugged onto her leg even tighter. Lilith leaned down and spoke again "I think you better go, little one, I don't think they like you near me."

Alice peered out at her Alpha and stuck out her tongue before giggling her way back over to the door. "Goodbye Alice, I hope you never lose that spark" Lilith stated to the closed door.

Lilith sighed as she turned back around and faced a very pale looking Alpha. "You really thought I would harm a child?" Her voice was tight, hard. She hated that people could think she could do such a thing.

Drew didn't say anything and she knew that he did in fact think that she would have killed Alice. She felt like she could rip open his throat but it was said by someone she wasn't expecting. Green eyes. He was braver than she first thought.

"Your the Demon Hound."

Rolling her eyes as she replied "Now that's such a harsh nickname I was given." Her tone was light, she didn't really care about anything at this point. "I prefer Lilith, if you will"

"What were you doing in my territory" Alpha Drew demanded.

She responded with "Alpha Drew what good would it do me to answer?"

"Answer the question!" Matty bellowed at her side.

"That's enough!" Drew looked like he didn't know which one to strangle. Her or him. In a tight voice he said to his son "Matthew if you can not keep silent, you can leave right now." Drew's gaze didn't leave his sons until he got a stiff nod.

"Good. Now" He swung his gaze from Matthews to hers "Lilith, were you here to kill us like the other packs?"

Her eyes narrowed at him, she did not respond for several minutes, trying to rein in her temper and when she did speak her voice was harsh and strong "I am not here to kill your pack. Nor did I kill any other packs." They were making her angry and they did not want to see her angry.

If the Alpha was surprised he did not show it "Then why are you here, miss Lilith," He held a hand to stop her from speaking "And do not tell me that my men brought you here. I think we both know that you could have easily overpowered them"

This Alpha was smart, maybe he just might have what it takes to survive what's to come. His son didn't seem to like that his father was insulting him. He was too arrogant in thinking that he wasn't the most powerful person in the room, aside from his father. That, she knew, was going to get him killed.

She looked at this Alpha more closely, and she knew right then that she liked him. "Your a lot smarter than you look Alpha Drew, and you're going to need that" She replied. "If you want to live. Somethings on it's way and it's something you can't fight."

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