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"Why?" The Alpha asked

"It doesn't concern you. But if you need to know, he will be punished for his crimes." She smiled at him. "by ten folds. Trust me darlings. He'll get what he deserves."

Matthew jumped in "Why should we trust you?" He practically spit at her. 

Calmly she said "Whether you trust me or not, I do not care. But about this?" She walked up to the bars "I have waited most of my life to have this man. And I will have him no matter the cost. If that means helping this pack then so be it, I'll help. But the man is mine, do I make myself clear?"

He swallowed. Good boy. It helped that she used some of her alpha tone. She didn't think that anyone noticed but Drew. His eyebrows shot up but he didn't comment.

"Good, now do we have a deal?"

They seemed to think it over before the Alpha nodded.

She spoke firmly. "I want to shake on it." 

Drew nodded again like he expected nothing less and unlocked the door to her cage. Stepping back he gestured for her to come out. She did.

She held out her hand and waited for Alpha Drew to take it. He didn't and at her frown he said "Can I ask you a question?" She shrugged and dropped her hand to her side once again. "What did he do to you?"

She didn't get shocked very easily and she didn't like it when she did. It flashes across her face before she became emotionless once again. In a flat tone she said "He took everything I ever loved and I'm going to repay the favor." She held out her hand once again. This time he took it and the deal was done.


She was taken back up the stairs but this time there where no chains and she wasn't taken to an office but a kitchen.

It was large. With two stoves and fridges. She found herself seated on a chair next to the island and a plate of food in front of her. At seeing it she was reminded that she hadn't eaten in awhile.

"Eat. You have to be starving." The Alpha said. She shrugged. 

She looked down at the plate. She didn't know what the food was, where they going to poison her? She sniffed at the food, it smelled good.  She poked at it with her finger. "What is it?" She whispered to herself.

It seemed that they heard her. Of course. Werewolves had hyped up sense of smell and hearing. Green eyes looked shocked, guess she was doing that a lot, when he answered her "It's bacon and eggs. Have you never had it?"

She shook her head. She tried to recall if she had ever tasted such and thing and came up empty. She picked up what she had to guess was bacon and nibbled at it.

It was good. She gulped down the rest of the food on the plate in one swoop and was about to lick the plate for more when she looked up to see that the men in the room where looking at her.

"What?" She asked setting the plate back down on the table.

Drew shook his head and said "Would you like more?"

She would, very much like more but what she said was "I'm not use to eating so much. Its probably best to not to or I'll throw it all up."

She watched Drew closely, he seemed tense as if he was waiting for her to attack or escape. Perhaps he was, but she always disappointed everyone.

Swallowing the lump in her throat she spoke in a tight voice "I think they'll attack in about a month, so you have time to run."

Matthew growled at her. "You think we're cowards?" That pup was starting to get on her nerves.

"No I think you're stupid." Was her sharp reply.

He stepped towards her "What did you just say?"

She roses eyebrow "Are you deaf and dumb?" She wanted to rip his throat with her claws right then but sighed again. She just wanted to get this part over with.

"What did you just say?" He repeated

"You heard me." Was her simple reply before she spoke to Alpha Drew. "You best start preparing Alpha, that is if you don't want more of your pack to die."

Matthew and Ash growled like the pups that they were acting like but the Alpha and Beta were silent. Good they were finally listening to her.

"What would you have us do?" Drew's gruff voice broke through growls. The pups looked shocked that he was listening to her.

"Run" She held up her hand to cut off the pups before they could speak "I know you won't so I guess your only option is to fight which happens to work in my favor right now."

She got up from the table and walked to the glass door and looked out at the backyard that she was taken through when she first got here.

"You have to train every able person on this territory, children under the age of 14 should be sent to another pack." She kept her gaze on the trees watching for any movement. "And you should double your patrol."

"You want us to send our kids away over some rogues? You've got to be out of your mind." Matthew said through clench teeth. Did he not get what was to come? How serious this was?

In a blink of an eye she had him by the throat against a near by wall. He grabbed at her arms but her grip was too strong, she made sure that he felt that he was out matched but not enough to do lasting damage.

Drew, Ash and the Beta growled and were making their way over to her. Not taking her hands off of Matthew she tossed her head back and looked at the men standing behind her. "I'm just teaching the pup a lesson in manners, I'm not going to hurting him." She looked back at the man she had by the throat "Much."

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