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She was currently being taken back down to her cell. After dropping that messy bomb of information, the Alpha wanted to talk to his Beta. Alone. Which had her being led back down the stairs with Matthew and Green eyes.

They reached her cell and she held her hands out for them to unlock her cuffs and was met by a deep voice "Cuffs stay on, Alphas orders." Matthew looked smug as he looked at her.

"Very well than" She replied in a bored tone. She didn't care whether or not she had these cuffs on, and she made sure that he knew it. His smile slipped from his face and he reached a glove hand around her to open the cell door and shoved her roughly in.

She laughed. "Reduced to shoving a lady? Oh, how the mighty have fallen Darling."

He growled at her before turning around and storming back down the hall. The door slammed with a bang as it echoed off the silent space. She went over to her bed and sat lightly on it. She would not be surprised when he died and the thought made her somewhat gleeful. That should scare her she supposed but she really didn't care.

Peering up from beneath her lashes she saw that green eyes was still in the room and had been watching her the whole time. When she met his gaze he held it steady for a moment before glancing away. Yes, he was a lot smarter than she first gave him credit for.

"What did you mean?" He asked her curiously

She just looked at him, she didn't a clue as to what he was talking about. "I'm sorry darling, but you're going to have to be more specific than that."

"When you said that something was coming and we couldn't fight it. What did you mean?"

"Ah, you wish to know what's to come?" She inquired. He nodded. "I think I'll wait just a while longer darling. I do not think that your Alpha is stupid, just the opposite in fact, and he will be down here soon enough for more questions."

With that she laid down with her back on the bed and placed her chained hands on her stomach. She wondered if she would ever have children, than scuffed at the thought. No, she didn't know how to be a mother.

Shoving the thoughts out of her mind, she once again returned to her plan. To tell them or not to tell them? Would they believe her even if she did? Alpha Drew might, but it was hard to say, he could very well turn around and say that she was making it up to save herself.

She blew a breath out of her mouth and turned her head to the side. Her eyes immediately went to the quiet figure that had it's back to her. She wondered what his name was and then cursed at herself for wanting to know. If she got to the names than she would want to save them, and that might get her distracted to her mission.

Facing the ceiling over more, she closed her eyes and listened for any sounds outside of her own breathing. Footsteps, just above her. She pictured Alpha Drew, with his deep blue eyes and his serious face, walking with powerful strides down here.

She kept her eyes closed as she heard them walk down the hall. She hummed an old tune under her breath as they approached her closed cell. They waited a few moments before someone coughed, she was willing to bet that it was green eyes. Yet still she did not move an inch.

"Miss Lilith, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" The Alphas deep voice rumbled through the small space

"Your politeness never ceases to amaze me Alpha Drew. I am your prisoner after all." She kept her eyes closed as she responded. "You could do anything you wanted to me."

"Yes, I suppose I could" He paused and took in a breath "But I was raised in a time where people treated people like they were human."

This made her open her eyes and she turned her head to him. This man knew almost nothing but horrible rumors about her, things claiming that she was a demon who killed countless men, women and children. Why in the world would he show her any respect, he should be killing her or at least torturing her.

She sat upright on her bed. "You are a strange man, Alpha Drew. " She paused and then added "But I like that about you."

He seemed surprised. "Thank you Miss Lilith." He continued "Could you tell us more about what you say is to come."

She got to her feet and walked to the middle of her cell before she answered his question "I don't know if you'll make it. I hope you do Alpha Drew, I mean it. I think you and I have a lot in common."

"Why don't you think I'll make it?"

"It's the same mistake that the other packs made, and they paid the price with their lives and their packs." She walked up to the bars slowly and was now an inch away from his face when she whispered "They got emotional. To involved in saving everyone that they ended up saving no one. It was there own fault really, packs make you weak. Dependent on others is only going to get you killed in the end. You need to be strong."

"What killed those packs, if it wasn't you?" He kept his face expressionless

She ignored his question and raised her hands "Are these cuff really necessary? I find myself getting rather tired of them."

He nodded "Of course, Ash would you mind?" He was talking to green eyes, which she now knew his name. Great, just great. The more she stayed here the more she would want to save them, but that would mean straying from her mission, her revenge. No, she would have to teach them to fear her, before she learned to care for them.

She yanked on her cuffs and the chain that held her hands together snapped off. She placed her right hand over her left wrist and bent the silver piece that looked like a bracelet off. She did the same with her right wrist. She held the broken fragments in her hand and reached through the bars and placed them in green eyes, Ash's, gloved hand.

He was gaping at her. "You'll catch flies, sweetheart." He clamped his jaw shut with a snap. It seemed that he wasn't the only one who had been affected by her little display. "It's not polite to stare, darlings, or did your mom not explain that to you?" She tilted her head to the side, lightly rubbing her wrists.

"What-but how-what?" The oh so intelligent Matthew stuttered. Ash stood beside him and nodded.

"I have a higher silver tolerance than you." She dismissed with a wave. "Now, was there anything else you wanted?"

The Alpha seemed to look at her different, like he was just about to finish a puzzle and only had a handful of pieces left. He crossed his arms and looked her head on. He was the tallest in the room and by far the biggest. His arms were muscular from long hours of training and if she had to guess she bet that he also had a muscular stomach. All the men in the room were fit too.

He leaned as close as he dared to the silver bars and she did the same, careful to have her face clear of any emotion. Finally he spoke "What's going to happen?"

She kept her gaze locked with his for several heartbeats before she leaned back and smiled at him "You're finally asking the right questions Alpha Drew. Do you really wish to know? Perhaps it would be best to let it happen without the terror of knowing what their going to do." She raised her right eyebrow.

He nodded "I would rather know what I'm up against, should you be right."

"They'll start with your elders, and then your children before moving on to your women. Or they'll separate sections of your pack off and kill them. They'll pick you off one by one until it's just you left, Alpha Drew. Until you're left standing on your packs dead bodies with their blood staining your hands and then" She paused no longer smiling "when you want to die, want to join your pack and your family, they will be merciless and take you with them."

She turned around and walked over to her bed and laid down with her back facing them. They took that as a sign to leave. All except for green eyes who was standing guard a few feet away and the Alpha who had not moved. Almost as if hearing her thoughts he turned to go and she spoke again "I'm sorry, I really am Alpha Drew"

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