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If there was one thing that she prided herself in it was her patience. She had waited for 11 long years to have her revenge after all but it seemed that she was close to losing it the longer she stayed in this pack.

It was as if they were doing it on purpose. Slowly driving her closer to snapping and destroying them all in swoop of her claw. But then she would remember why she was here and bottled the feelings and tucked them deep with in her.

"Lilith?" It was Drew. He was standing behind her. "How do we stop them?"

She looked over at him from her spot by the woods. She had come here over an hour ago and only now did they find her. Or at least the Alpha found her.

She leaned against the tree behind her and stared up at him. There was something about him that she couldn't place and she didn't know if it was good or bad. Her instincts told her that anything to do with anyone was a bad thing and yet when she looked at him she felt less harsh, less the girl she was and more the kid that was terrified. This unnerved her more then anything in her life.

She realized that she was still staring at him. "You believe me then?" Her voice rang out in the silent forest.

"You don't look like the kind to lie about something this big."

Right then she decided that she liked his voice. It was both rough and soft at the same time. It told her just as his eyes did that he had see things, had done things that had changed him into someone who would do what was needed but he didn't let it take him over the edge.

"You should never trust anyone Drew." She looked into his blue eyes. "It will only lead you down a path to your grave."

Her hands played with the grass underneath her fingertips. She patted the ground next to her and he slowly crept forward and sat down. He kept himself just out of her reach and she smiled at him.  "Your learning."

He watched her with veiled eyes as she ripped up some grass and started to make a small heap between them. "To answer you question Drew, to stop these men, you aren't going to like it."

Looking up from underneath her lashes as she continued "You could do as I said before and train this pack and see if you could win in an open fight. With this option your pack is left open for attack on the children and the elderly who can't fight. Or you could send most of your pack to another pack for a while and take a small handful to go to their camp and take them down from the inside out."

She got up and turned to face the Alpha. "Either way Alpha Drew, I'll help. But as soon as I get what I want your on your own. Got it?"

He searched her eyes for something, he must have found it because he nodded and she left him to his thinking.


Lilith stood on the outskirts of the woods with her bare feet wet from the morning dew. She watched as the sun rose up from its slumber and slowly make its way higher into the sky. If she was capable of love, it would be to the sun. It was a faithful companion, it rose every morning and set every night and she could always count on it rising again. The sun was loyal and would never leave her. Not like the people she once loved.

She closed her eyes against the dark memories of being trapped and alone. She let the sun caress her face and warm her cheeks before she opened them up again. She thought that the pain would have dulled over the years and it had but not enough to stop her from feeling. Something she didn't like to do.

Pulling her hands around her waist she mentally kicked at herself. She shouldn't be thinking about the past right now. She had a job to do. She sighed and blew a breath out from her mouth and watched as it steamed white in the cool morning air. The birds started to sing their sad and lovely songs into the pale sky. It was peaceful, a feeling that took her a long time to place. She couldn't actually remember a time when she felt at peace. Perhaps after this  whole thing was over she could finally have some rest. The thought made her smile. That would be nice.

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