Facebook (7)

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Angel's P.O.V -

I woke up, sweating and shaking. The memories of last night hit me,and I did the first thing I should do. ''MUUUM'' I screamed,ignoring a sleeping Sasha on the other end of the bed. I ran into my mum's room, and saw she wasn't there. I walked downstairs and saw her in the kitchen,frying some sausages. Then it hit me..

''Mum.. come here'' I said as I stepped closer to her. Waiting for her to do as I say. She puts down the fork she was using to turn the sausages around,and walks closer with a raise eyebrow. I lunged at her,hugging her tightly. ''Your.. so cold'' I whispered as I continued to feel her exposed skin on her arms. She pulled me back quickly,and I saw her eyes watering.

She has pale skin.. blue eyes! Black hair. And shes freakin freezing. Oh god please jesus tell me she's not a vampire.

I looked at my mum eyes wide, I think she knew I found out. Ever since she first saw Ethan, she looked scared being near him,or me being near him..

''Mum.. are you a -'' I stopped myself,closing my eyes tightly,regretting I ever asked. I could feel her soft cold hand go on my cheek. ''What the hell is that!'' She shouted, I flinched at her tone of voice. Then I realise.. Amanda hit me pretty hard. ''Are you a vampire?'' I asked ignoring her first question. Shock was filled in her eyes, she then put her head down and nodded slowly.

I ran upstairs as fast as I could. Skipping two steps every one step I take. I ran into my room,to see Sasha now wide away on my laptop, She was biting on thumb nervously. I knew something was up..

Once she realised I was here,she snapped her eyes too me. She had a frown on.. What was going on? I jumped on the bed to the side of her,and looked at the screen.

She was on her facebook,and looking at a photo of me and Ethan kissing. 'Shit..' I mumbled, she put 'slut' underneath it. I could feel the tears coming.

''She put it on facebook but there are some good comments.. and bad'' She mumbled the last,I snatched the laptop and put it on my lap,ignoring the burning heat from it. A few people liked the photo, including Ethan. What did that mean though? Did he like the kiss or something..

He commented around half an hour ago. ''Delete this, even though I like the photo''

28 minutes ago, Amanda wrote 'No nerd lover' Ethan didn't write anything else. Other people commented saying 'They make a cute couple' 'Who knew nerd girl could kiss'

There was one comment that got my attention, it read. ''Wat ay whore. dis gurl rlii is a wlking std'' My eyes were burning from the spelling,and grammar. Sasha laughed at my reaction. I wasn't surprised one of Amanda, poststicks (because she sticks to everyone) would write that. Even though she actually is the walking std. Ethan commented underneath PostStick number 1 comment, saying 'Your comment gave me cancer-.- Actually pay attention in class hun'. Around 6 people liked his comment. PostStick Number 1 replied : wateverz.

Me and Sasha burst out laughing,until we saw a new status. A new status from Amanda..

'App, Angel (the nerd) was caught giving head by a

teacher during class time. The guy payed her. This girl is just screaming 'WHOOOREE'. Ha' Thats when the tears came out. I heard the sound of the keyboard, I saw Sasha writing a long paragraph. She commented underneath saying :

'I know your STD ass aint talking about my best friend like that; Bitch. Get a life.. Your just a sad kid who is screaming for attention. Everybody know your fake ass is lying about my Angel. So back up,before you get beatings from you mama again.' I felt a little better that someone actually was on my side. I felt Sasha arms go round my body comforting me. ''Thank you Sasha.. for everything'' I whispered in her shoulder. ''Don't worry,thanks for backing me up yesterday at the party..'' She mumbled, I hummed a 'dont worry'. Then we heard a 'pop' noise several times from my laptop,meaning Sasha got notification. She clicked on the mouse a few times. We saw that people commented on Amandas status. And a 8people liked what Sasha wrote already,including Steve,Ethan,Philip,Troy.

'Watch out we got a bad ass over here!' Philip commented, We both bursted out laughing. But then we just stared at each other.. ''Last night actually happened..'' Sasha whispered mostly to herself. Once she looked back at me, she was waiting for an answer. I nodded my head. Should I tell her about my mum. What if she freaks out? ''Sasha.. I found something out aswell.'' I mumbled under neath my breath.

Sasha gave me a look to carry on. I hesistated for a bit. I was going to say 'forget about it' but Sasha beat me to it.. ''Angel,whatever it is. I will always be here. Me and you against the world remember'' she gave me a happy smile,I returned it back. ''I found out my mum is.. a vampire..'' I whispered. ''I knew there was something strange about your mum!'' She whispered yelled back.

''What do we do when school comes back.. There are vampires in this world and our school!'' I replied back. ''Wait.. in our school?!'' Sasha freaked out, her body shaking. Eyes wide and scared. Crap... I forgot she was not awake with the talk me and Ethan had... Was I really hit Soul Mate? Is that why I always felt tingles whevere he touched?

''Erm.. Yes.. Steve and his group are ones and so are Ethan and his group..'' I said not using eye contact with Sasha. Scared of her reaction. She gasped. A hand over her mouth. ''We can't tell anyone..''

''I know,but what are we going to do?!'' Sasha shouted. The room was filled with silence, both of us thinking what to do. ''I guess.. we ignore them?'' It seems like a stupid idea. Obviously there gonna wanna talk to us after what we witnessed.

''Nah.. There won't solve anything.. Were just gonna act like nothing happened. Put it at the back of our minds.'' Sasha suggested, I nodded. Liking the idea.. but I knew I was going to have nightmares of that scary vampire Haydes guy.

Sasha put on a smile, there was no happiness in it at all. Just confusion,and shock. I wouldn't be surprised, would you be happy if you found out there are vampires in your school,and you almost died by one? No. I didn't think so.

Lets really hope this plan to 'act like nothing happened' does work, or else god knows what could happen. Our lives could be in danger, I'm not a professional. But I know for sure that some Vampires don't like the idea of humans knowing there actually are vampires in this world, and that means the only thing they could do to the humans are. Kill them.


Sorry it's short! But at least its an update. VOTE&COMMENT what you think of the chapter! Tell me who your favorite character is in the story. I would love to know! Its not edited because I'm writing this on my phone...


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