Lies&moans&grunts (15)

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Angel's P.O.V -

''I know where he is..'' I finally broke the silence, and the awkward stares we all shared with each other. ''Carry on..'' Blondie replied.

''He said to me that he's going to be moving to Australia for a few weeks''  I said as I looked at both of them in the eyes, so they could see that I was telling the 'truth'


The both of them shared a look with each other, and raised there eyebrows, obviously not believing me. ''We don't believe you, now tell me or else you'll get hurt'' Blondie then gets the shiny knife and brings it to my neck, making me pull my head back,but he used his other hand for the back of my head to keep me in place. 

''I am telling you the truth! He told me yesterday, he is going to Australia to sort some vamps out or some shit like that'' I rolled my eyes at them. They were silent for a while, obviously thinking if I was telling the truth. ''Ok fine.. we will have to inform sir'' He looked towards the brown hair guy, and then looked at me as he continued what he was saying ''But if we find out your lying.. we will kill you'' He then put a sadistic smile on, showing his white fangs and hissed at me. I stayed still, refusing to say or move.

''Mhh..'' I hummed out, then they proceeded to walk out of my room. ''Um excuse me?!'' I shouted at them, they both turned around and looked at me to continue, i looked at the ropes that were tied around my hands and then back them. They seemed to understand as Blondie got a knife and started cutting the ropes, and once they were off they hit the ground. I rubbed my sore and red wrists.

Once I heard that the front door slammed closed, I quickly pulled out my phone and dialed Ethan's number. ''Hello?'' He grunted.

What the hell?

I was about to tell him something, but then I heard someone. I heard moan, a girl moan. Oh hell no.  I felt my eyes water.. ''Whos this..?'' He grunted afterwards. Seriously, who answers the phone whilst doing it? Then it hit me.. Ethan is having sex. With a different girl.

I ended the call quickly, and dropped my phone to the ground. I crawled on my bed, and let all the tears come out.

How could he do this to me? I know I've done bad things in my life.. but why this?

I grabbed my phone off the floor, scanning it to see if it broke.Seriously sometimes I think my phone is a Nokia brick, the amount of times I dropped my phone.

I dialed in Sasha's phone number, and she picked up the next second. ''SASHA SPEAKING, TODAY IS TELL ME ABOUT YOUR FANTASIES DAY, WOULD -'' She stopped when she heard I wasn't laughing. Then she finally spoke up. 

''Who the fuck do I have to beat up?''

Once I told Sasha the story, she quickly hanged up without saying anything. I stared at my phone in shock. Did she just hang up on me? Then I jumped up in even more shock, when I heard the front door being banged on. I held onto my chest where my heart was. I could feeling it speeding up.

I walked down the stairs slowly, looking at the front door, the banging was still there. I ran softly to the kitchen, and grabbed the nearest thing. And walked towards the door again, I reached for the door knob, and twisted it, and the door was slammed open by a very angry Sasha in her PJ's. She was wearing black leggings, and a plain grey t-shirt that was too big for her, she was wearing her fluffy white ugg boots.

Seriously, you have to give props to this girl for not being embarrassed! ''Why did you take so long to open the door?'' She shouted angrily, but not at me. At Ethan. ''Sorry, I thought you were those guys, so I grabbed the nearest thing from the kitchen to protect me..''

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