No Means NO but I want to say YES (16)

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Angel's P.O.V -

''No'' I say to Ethan as he begs me to stay with him yet again for the whole day. It was last period and Ethan was in my class, and worrying about my safety. 

''But -'' I cut him off ''I said NO.'' I shouted a little too loud, making my teacher give me a glare saying 'Shut up'

As if.

''But -'' I cut him off yet again,  ''No means NO'' I whisper yelled to him as I returned to my work, and started writing down my notes for my class.


''Hey ANGEL!'' A none too familiar voice shouted as I continued walking down the crowded hall filled with students. ''ANGEL!'' HE yelled, I kept my head down trying to look like I can't hear HIM.

But trust me, people from France would hear him.

''What do you want?'' I yelled over the noise of chattering from the students, I turned my body around to look at him. 

So innocent, so adorable. NO STOP, this is wrong. Isn't it?

The halls were starting to become empty as the students were now entering the next class, Now it was only me and him.

''I just wanted to talk to you about what happened in your bedroom.. I didn't mean -'' I cut him off quickly by putting my hand up to stop it.

''Yes I know.. Troy, It doesn't matter. I got to get to class.'' I quickly say as I sprinted off to my next lesson, holding my bag tightly to me.

Oh how I wish that I could stay with him.. Be in his arms.

I heard him sigh sadly and I could hear his footsteps going the other direction. I walked up the stairs slowly, as I thought about the whole situation. I sighed as I saw how complicated my life has now got after Ethan started to pay attention to me. I wish I was just back to the Nerd girl I was before.

I was now infront of my maths room, I put my hand on the door knob and pushed it down, and opened the door, my teacher looked at me surprised, but continued typing on his laptop furiously.

I walked to my seat nex to Sasha who was giving me a strange look. Once I sat down I was hit with her plently of questions. ''Whats wrong? Where were you?'' 

''What do you mean whats wrong? I'm fine'' I raised my eyebrows at her, and pulled out my maths book, not that I needed it, my teacher was only concentrating on his laptop.

''Angii, Were best friends, I think I know when my best friend is upset'' She replied back as she placed her hand on top of mine, stopping me from flipping through my maths book. I looked up at her, and she gave me a smile. Showing that she truly cares.

''I'll explain later, just not now'' I whispered as I placed my finger to my lip to shush her as Ethan walked into the room, and sat behind us with Amanda almost trying to sit on him, but when ever I stole a quick look, he would push her a way a little bit.

I don't need him.. I have feelings for Troy. I think.. he treats me special.


I'm sooo sorry! It's so boring and short! SO WHO REMEMBERS TROY? At the beginning of the story?;) Remember?;) 

So mystery guy is TROY.. Who thought it was him? No it isn't Steve or Philip, Philip has got Sasha;)

I'll be uploading on Sunday.. Sorry again that its rubbish, its not EDITED!

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