(21) Morning After

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Dedicated to 'HearMySilence' she made the AMAZING cover, I love it. Please check out her stories, you will be missing a lot if you did! She's so talented, you won't regret checking her stories out!


                                                               ANGEL'S P.O.V

I was lost in the woods, the wind blowing my hair in different directions. I was breathing heavily as if I had just ran a marathon. 

Where am I? I was walking closer and closer to.. somewhere. The tree's leafs dangerously being blowed around.

''Twinkle.. Twinkle.. Little star...'' A young soft voice spoke forest the woods, making me stop dead in my track. I looked around, my hair whipping my face because of the fast movement.

I am alone. Right?

''Twinkle twinkle little star..  hope you get run over by a car.. jump off a tree so high.. break your neck..and..'' The young voice stopped, and a noise of chocking was made. My heart was beating fast. ''Break your neck and..DIE.'' a demonic voice spoke, growling afterwards, I covered my open mouth in shock, as I stared at the child that appeared out of the blue, in front of me, the baby girl looks around five years old, shes playing with the mud, not caring if her fingers get the dirtyness on them.

''Twinkle.. twinkle.. little star..'' She sang again, picking up a pile of the mud, and squishing it with her hands, and looking at it with amusement.''Hello..'' I spoke softly, as I bent down towards her level.

She didn't notice that I was here. How?

''How I wonder where you are.. Up in front of me, taller then the sky.. Like a bird about to die.. Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are.'' She sang, her voice becoming lower and lower.

The song didn't make any sense.

I was getting scared, I knew this wasn't a child. I reached out for her, but the second I did I regret. She snapped her head upwards, her eyes redder then the devil, her skin turning pale. She looked at me, waiting for me to do something, she opened her small mouth to say something, but instead she smiled, it wasn't a happy smile, it was filled with evil. Hatred.

The next thing she said, echoed into my mind forever. Staying with me till the end.


I threw myself up into a sitting position, throwing the protective arm off my waist, screaming at the top of my lungs, searching for the demonic child, all I saw was a worried Ethan, staring at me with his mouth wide open and his eyes wider, filled with confusion and worry.

I was breathing heavily, my hand over my heart, it was beating faster then normal.

Did I just have a nightmare?

''Ethan..'' I breathed as I stared at him, hoping he would comfort me. ''Don't worry baby, I'm here.. It was just a nightmare, just a nightmare..'' he repeated as he pulled me onto his bare lap, and placed my head on his cold chest, the tingly feeling filling my body.

''It was just a nightmare..'' He kissed the top of my sweaty head. ''I was in the woods..'' I explained talking about the nightmare. I looked up to look at his reaction towards this, he was looking at me as if waiting for me to continue. 

''I was lost.. I-i then started hearing a child singing twinkle twinkle little star song.. but it wasn't the happy one, she was saying she hoped for me to get run over by a car.. things like that, I was so scared.. she-she said..'' My voice was breaking, tears were leaking from my eyes, then dropping to my chest. ''What did she say..'' Ethan asked as he pulled my chin up,making me look up at him again. ''She said I was here mama..'' The little girl's voice echoed into my head, I just wanted to slap my head repeatedly till somehow the voice stops.

Ethan's eyes widen, and curiosity filled them, and then fear.. Towards what though?

''It was just a nightmare..'' Ethan repeated again and again, and soon I was started to believe it, but something was making me believe that the nightmare was going to come true, someday.

I knew Ethan knew that it might happen, I was scared. Something was telling me that this WILL happen. Scared,frightened,fear,worry, were all my emotions.

Something was telling me to go to the doctors.. even though it was my first time last night, something is telling me to go just in case, or I think maybe someone..


Sorry it is short&boring.. but I just wanted to give you an idea of what happens after.. so I tried to make the night mare, as scary as possible, but I'm rubbish at that, the story isn't R rated, so I don't know why I can't change it back to PG-13

Check out 'HearMySilence' stories, she made the awesome cover! I love it! She is so talented, you won't regret checking out her stories!

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