28th Beat: Bang Bang Boom!

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Few months have passed since the fatal accident that 3D boys have encountered. They are now busy preparing for their comeback. That morning, everyone is busy for MBN-27’s anniversary special. That is actually the reason why Shine, Eunhye and RHoyce went to Queen City (the capital city). They were given a special job to cover the event.

                Shine was busy organizing the party and TV special for the anniversary. EUnhye is the official Photo-G. The network will release a special mag featuring the artists. Rhoyce, representing Zenith Publishing Co. (the company where she is working) is in-charge of the special magazine. She will also help the production team as assistant director.


                3D Brothers will also have a special performance for the anniversary special. They will perform 3 songs for the show, including their new single, Breaking Dawn from their new album Straight to the Top. They are rehearsing for their performance which will be held tomorrow.

“I’m so excited for this.” Dylan smiled as he started to play the drums. He is the composer of Breaking Dawn which is about reconciliation.

I hope our fans will like it.” David said.

“OK, then let’s give our best shot!” Drake said as he played the keyboards.


                Eunhye was busy for the photo shoots of MBN-27’s contract stars. Through her expertise and techniques, the pictures came out really good. The network executives and the stars themselves praised EUnhye for doing her job well. After she finished, she immediately headed to 3D brothers’ studio where Drake was waiting for her…

“I brought some food” she smiled and brought out the pizza.

‘Great!” David said happily as he started to get his own slice of pizza.

“How’s your day?” Drake asked and lovingly stared at Eunhye.

“I’m ok. I finished the photo-shoots on time.” She answered.

“Just be very careful  and rest well when you get home.” Drake said.

“Why don’t you drive for her and led her to their pad?” David suggested.

“Not a bad idea.” Drake said and smile at Eunhye.

“Oh..no! The fans may catch us.” Eunhye said.

“No. We’ll just put on some disguise.” He said.

“Great! I’ll come with you! I’m gonna visit Shine.” David said.

“How about you, Dylan? Will you come with us?” Drake asked Dylan.

“She’s still out. She has an interview with the Big Boss (President) of MBN-27.” Dylan answered.

“So will you fetch her?” David asked.

“Well, I think so.” Dylan replied.

“What if the press saw you?” Drake worriedly said

“Oh come on. Rhoyce is a member of press. I am sure she knows to hide. “ David told Drake and smiled at Dylan.


The BIG DAY. MBN-27 Anniversary special.

                The event/show started at exactly 6:00 pm. It was hosted by the people from the news and public affairs department and the artists who were also talented in hosting. The show started through a production number from the young stars of the network. Other trivias were also given. Then,  LOM performed a rock- ballad entitled Regret.  Then, it’s 3D Brothers’ turn. The event  organizer, Shine asked the assistance of Rhoyce backstage. Dylan smiled.

“It’s you again, backstage angel.” He smiled as Rhoyce was fixing his suit.

“Yeah right, for the 3rd time.” She smiled.

“But this time around, you’re not other’s backstage angel but MY BACKSTAGE angel.” Dylan said, quite possessively.

“Oh yeah. Mr.Choi!” she said teasingly. Just then Rhoyce understood why Dylan said that. LOM just arrived backstage after their performance and Phoebus was simply looking at them.


“Good evening people! We are here to perform for the 1st time, our newest single, Breaking Dawn!” David said and signaled Drake and Dylan to play their instruments.

                The crowd cheered happily for them. The song was catchy and was well received by the audience. Everyone was ecstatic upon seeing 3D Brothers perform again, live! After performing 3 songs, the hosts joined the boys onstage.

“Wow! What an explosive performance”, the host complimented.

“Thank you!” David replied.

“Tonight we have a special gift for the boys” the other host announced.

“Yes, that’s true! Tonight, we announce that 3D Brothers’ single Hold On, Carry On” from War Against Cancer album reached quadruple platinum already!” the host brought out the good news.

                The 3D boys were really surprised as they received the award from the record company.

“Congrats, 3D Brothers! Oh, we have another special announcement.” The 1st host added.

“Tonight, we are announcing that 3D Brothers will be the singer for MBN-27’s newest station ID (official network song)” the host told them.

                The crowd was cheering while 3D Boys were left speechless. In the audience, 3 ladies were smiling happily for them- Shine, Eunhye and Rhoyce .


                The following morning, Galaxy Music Inc. (the record label of 3D Brothers) staff was surprised to receive great demands from public to release Breaking Dawn OFFICIALLY as a single. That morning, the company already decided to release BD (Breaking Dawn) digitally. In less than 30 minutes, the song reached ALL-KILL status. It became their fastest-selling song beating Hold On Carry On which received All-kill in 45 minutes.  Truly, the Dimensioners waited for their comeback patiently and now that they are back, they made sure 3D Brothers stay on top.


“3D Brothers band  sets a new record with Breaking Dawn”

                It’s the hottest and most commented topic on www.popstarallaccess.com. Eunhye read it.

“3D Brothers sets a new record after Breaking Dawn achieved all-kill status in less than 30 minutes. Before it, Hold On Carry On achieved all-kill in 45 minutes. The band performed their new single at MBN-27’s anniversary special and it garnered attention from public. The following morning Galazy Music was bombarded by countless response to release the new song. After it was released digitally, it swept all the charts. Reports also claimed that various servers of portal sites crashed due to overwhelming response from 3D fans.”


Wow! Seems like 3D Brothers are back on top! Hmmm… but wait, there’s more! They’re up for major surprises!!! Tune in! 2 beats to go! ^^

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