Chapter 2: The Weight of Goodbyes

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I felt like I was losing my mind as I walked home, the weight of the day was pressing heavily on my thoughts. The events that were unfolded raced through my mind in a chaotic frenzy. I never expected that, in an instant, it would feel as though I had been robbed of my own life—a life I had grown accustomed to over the years. The familiar streets, once a source of comfort, now seemed foreign, every corner reminding me of what I was leaving behind.

But now, with everything that is happening, it felt like it was all fading into memories with each step I took going home. I could almost hear the echoes of laughter and the chatter of students from my school, allowing my memories intertwined with the present. I knew that when a van parked in front of our house, that would mark the beginning of a life filled with uncertainty— a life devoid of anything familiar that I might experience. My heart sank at the thought.

Despite my doubts, I had to be ready. I had to do this for my Mom. The thought of her sacrifices fueled my determination, even as uncertainty chewed at my insides.

As I approached our gate, I didn’t realize I was already standing there until I caught sight of my Mother, bathed in the soft light of the sun. Her silhouette was a familiar comfort, but the way her shoulders slumped under the weight of something heavy struck me. I noticed the changes in her worried face until a sign of relief washed over it when our eyes met. It was a bittersweet moment that made my heart ache.

My feet seemed to have a mind of their own, rushing to close the distance between us. I enveloped her in a tight hug, and an overwhelming sense of peace filled my heart as I felt her warmth surrounding me. In that moment, I felt safe, despite the turmoil brewing inside. Her arms wrapped around me tightly, and I could hear her steady heartbeat, grounding me in the chaos.

Tears began to spill from my eyes. Emotions clashed within me, battling over what I should feel first. Why was I crying? Shouldn’t I be happy today that I was moving to a better school? Shouldn't this be a time of excitement? My mind raced with conflicting thoughts, making it hard to breathe.

But if that happiness meant leaving my Mother behind, I realized I didn’t think I could manage to feel happy. The thought of her standing alone in the doorway as I stepped into an uncertain future filled me with fear.

“Calm down, Khine. I know you’re tired. Come on, let’s go inside so you can rest in your room,” Mama said softly, her voice a soothing balm.

She gently guided me to my room. When she opened the door, I was greeted by the sight of a large suitcase waiting for me. The sight of it felt menacing, a reminder of the transition I was facing.

I looked at my Mom, and she smiled at me with warmth and encouragement. She nodded, a silent signal for me to start packing, and I felt a surge of emotions at the thought of leaving. This was my life, my home—everything I had known.

“I’ll just check on what I’m cooking in the kitchen, Khine. After you’re done packing, come down, and let's have lunch together,” she added, her tone lightening the moment. It was a ritual we cherished, sharing meals and stories, and the thought of missing that was heavy on my heart.

As she turned to leave, she closed the door between us gently. I knew she probably wanted to help me pack since she brought the suitcase from her and Papa's room to mine. Her actions spoke volumes of her love and concern.

But I knew my Mother so well. I could sense it was hard for her to help me pack to leave, knowing she would be left alone in this house. The silence that enveloped the room felt thick, almost suffocating.

I sat on the edge of my bed, still grappling with the day’s weight. I looked into the mirror right in front of me, staring at my reflection. My eyes were puffy from crying, and my hair was tousled, a sharp contrast to the calm facade I wanted to present.

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