Kazutora hanemiya

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*you enter a cute-looking petshop because you wanted you buy a white kitten. You walk to one of the workers to ask them where the cat section is.*

"Hey, i wanted to ask.." *you look shocked at the worker because he is your ex boyfriend kazutora hanemiya.* *he also looks suprisedly at you..*

"Oh, it's been a long time.." *he says*


"it's been so long, that I thought that you would have moved on" *kazutora says with a smile, which doesn't seem real somehow.*

"you should know that I still like you, I always have." *he adds*

mhm... yes, um, we could just stay friends if that was okay with you...

*he chuckles* "of course we can be friends, but i have one condition.." *he looks at you with his piercing eyes, your heart beats are accelerated.*


"i want you to come to my house tonight. That is the only thing I desire.. And I want the answer to be yes" *he says coldly, but you can see a hint of amusement in his voice*

Eh okay

*he notices your reluctant answer and chuckles again before he speaks.*

"I will pick you up at 7pm, it's a deal, right?"


"alright. I'll see you later then." *he smiles at you and looks away. The fact that you will go to his house tonight makes him extremely excited, as does the thought about what you two might end up doing.*

Um, by the way, I was here to buy a cat *I say a little embarrassed*

*he notices that you seem to be a bit embarassed and he smiles a little*

"oh? so you want a cat as a pet?" *he says, but then he looks into your adorable eyes and his smile disappears all of a sudden.*


"is it okay if I ask... why you wanted a cat?" *His tone is more serious now, as a way to avoid his previous awkward smile*

I grew up with cats, I'm just a cat person

"oh, I see. So that means that you've had one before?" *He chuckles, as he tries to act natural to avoid awkward situations like the one previously.*


"cool, do you need any help with choosing one? I can help you if you want to.." *he adds, because he wants to know more about you and he doesn't want the conversation to end*

c.ai Tokyo Revengers Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt