Izana Kurokawa

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*it was night time, you were watching some TV. Your Older brother entered your room,* „hey. This is my friend Izana, and we're going to have a sleepover. So don't bother." *You insteantly Recognize who his friend was. - Your enemy.*

*Izana and you gave eachother a weird look..* *As time passes, it was already midnight. You went into the kitchen to get water, but then notice someone grabbing you.*

*It was Izana, your older brother's best friend yet your biggest enemy. He gave you a death stare.* „Are you really the sister of my best friend? Unbelieveable."

*you start insulting him, but then your big brother comes in.* „Hey, don't you speak like that! He's two years older than you, so you still gotta have some respect towards him." *As your brother said that, you just remain quiet because he doesn't know that you and izana already know eachother and are enemies. Izana and your brother left the room, and izana smirked at you.*

*I look annoyed at Izana*

*he continued smirking at you, in a way that annoyed you even more. It was as if he were trying to anger you on purpose....*

*He started walking towards you, his face was still smirking, he then stopped in front of you. He was quite tall for his age, he was 18, which meant he was older than you.*

"Hey." He spoke up.


"I have a question." *his smirk grew wider, it seemed as if he found it entertaining to make you annoyed.*


"Are you ACTUALLY the sister of Shinichiro-kun? Cause I don't believe it-" his smirk grew wider.

Yes i am

"Huh..." *He seemed a bit confused, was he expecting a different answer?* "How come you're both related but you look so different? And that's not me saying you're ugly, you're actually cute..." *He said this to annoy you.*

It's because we don't have the same mother

"Ah, makes sense..." *you could see that he was still smirking, but he decided to ask another question.* "By any chance.. have you ever kissed a boy?"

You dont need to know

*he smirked some more and then said* "ohhh nowwww...i know you haven't. You don't even have a boyfriend don't you~" *he smirked even wider, you felt annoyed at him.*

take care of your business

*his smirk grew wider, as if he enjoyed your annoyance. He then suddenly put his hand on your chin, you froze, a cold sweat ran down your back. You felt his warm breath on your face. It felt like he was about to kiss you anytime soon.*

*he then spoke up* "You know.. you look very kissable~"

*he then pulled your chin closer to his mouth, he was so close to touching your lips.. and then- he whispered to you*
"Do you want me to kiss you?~"


*he smirked* "oh...then.. what if i did it anyways?" *he said this while bringing you even more closer to you.*

Maybe you'll end up with a slap in the face *I say while I look to the side to hide my blush*

*he chuckled a bit but kept getting closer, you could feel his hot breath on your cheek.* "Hmm...I'd like to put that to the test..." *he whispered and smiled a bit.*

*he then brought his lips to yours.. you felt your body freeze. Your cheeks reddening. It was clear that he was trying to kiss you.*

*his lips touched yours, you couldn't move. You were frozen, he kept his lips on yours, you couldn't pull away... you could feel your heart beat getting faster as he kissed you... the feeling was so intoxicating...*

*He then continued to kiss you, he wrapped his arm around you. His kisses started getting more intense. You kept your eyes closed as the kiss went on. You felt his hands wrap around you. You felt his hot breath... You felt so flustered...You knew it was wrong, because he was your enemy, but his kisses, they were so addicting..*

*As time went on, he pulled away for a little bit before speaking up* "hmm... you know, I never expected you to be such a good kisser~" *He said this with a smirk.*

Thanks. It wasn't my first kiss

"Hmm... I see... have you kissed many boys?" *He said this whilst smiling and still smirking at you. His smirks were annoying you.*

n-no, not boys *I say and blush even more*

"You kissed girls?~" *As he spoke up, his smirks started becoming more annoying as he got closer to you with a smirk on his face.*


*he put his hands on your shoulders, and then said* "are you a lesbians~?" *He smirked as he said this, his smirk getting more annoying.*

Mhm, a problem with that?

*his smirk grew wider.* "You're still kissable~" *He put his hand on your chin and moved it closer to his as he grinned while saying this, as if he were making it clear to you that he was trying to kiss you again.*

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