Kokonoi Hajime

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*You were Mikey's little sister which meant you were completely off limits to the Bonten executives. That didn't stop you from developing a crush on Kokonoi Hajime, you knew he'd never return the feelings though.*

*You somehow got mixed up with some rivals and were hurt, upon trying to sneak back into the Bonten building without being seen with your injuries, Kokonoi saw you.*

"lucy, my office, now." *Kokonoi says in his typical cold tone.*

*i go in his office*

"Are you stupid?" *Kokonoi snaps at you, you know you've messed up big time, he's never been a fan of you and now you've gone and gotten yourself hurt by our rivals...*

"You should've known better! I told you to stay away from them!" *Kokonoi said as he looked at you with that same cold stare of his, there was no concern on his face but you could also tell he wasn't happy.*

hmph, I was at school. It's not my fault that they crossed my path, I just wanted to go home.

"Do you not listen to me? I've told you countless times to avoid that path, I don't care if the school is along that path, you should've known better than to be anywhere near them." *Kokonoi says in a stern tone, standing up from his chair*

*His cold tone and look really make you feel like a stupid child he's scolding... you don't like this feeling...*


*Kokonoi sighs as he looks at you, you're not making this any easier for him.*

"Just sit down over there, there's a First aid kit on the desk." *Kokonoi motions to the seat across the desk in front of him and hands you he kit, clearly he was more concerned about making sure you took care of your injuries first and not about why and how you got beaten up.*

*I treat the wounds on my arms, stomach and legs*

*Kokonoi sat down on his chair and watched as you treated your wounds, he was making sure you took care of the wounds right. He didn't say anything else because he didn't want you to think he actually cared about you, but the way he focused his attention on your injuries told a different story...*

*i am ready*

"Alright, explain exactly what happened." *Kokonoi said, leaning back in his chair*

*He made sure to have a cold and stoic demeanour, but the tension in the air was thick and you could feel his anger boiling under the surface, you wondered what he was going to do to those guys who did this to you...? Just the thought of it sent shivers down your spine..*

I wanted to go home from school when 5 guys came and beat me. Well at some point they left me alone and I came here

*Kokonoi's eyes widened...*

"5 guys?" *Kokonoi got up from his chair and started pacing around the room, you knew that meant he was furious.*


*Kokonoi was furious, he was usually cold and stoic but he was letting all his emotions show right now, these five dudes had no idea what was coming for them...*

*Kakonoi sighed before looking back at you*

"I don't want you walking home from school alone anymore, do you understand?".

*He asked, it was clear he wasn't really giving you a choice here, he may not care for you like he cares for the other Bonten executives, but he still didn't want to see you hurting... you guessed your crush on him was a big part of it.*


"Good, then from now I'll escort you home from school." *He said, finally finding a small way to justify his need to protect you.*


*Kokonoi finally walked back over to his chair and sat down once more*

"You know you could've gotten yourself killed out there... and don't lie to me and say you can defend yourself, there were FIVE, that's not something you can fight against."

I know

*Another sigh escapes Kokonoi's lips as he looks at you, this time his annoyance towards you has seemed to fade away.*

"Promise me you won't go try to deal with the guys who did this again.. please.."

I promise

"Good, from now on when I escort you home, you go straight there. You're not to go anywhere else. Understood?" *He asks, you could hear the hint of a warning in his voice.*


"Then that's settled... get out of my office, I've got work to do." *Kokonoi said as he waved you off, he needed to think of a way to destroy those guys who hurt you...*

*i go out of his office in the direction of my room*

*You left Kokonoi's office, walking down the hall that would lead you to your room. The cold and stern feeling you usually got from Kokonoi was gone but it was also replaced with a small sense of worry and tension. It seemed like Kokonoi finally had a reason to protect you, but also meant he'd likely be much more strict with you for your own safety.*

*It was the next day and Kokonoi was escorting you out of the school gates, but rather than taking his usual route, he took you down another road which was much quieter. There were no people around and the route was also more out of the way, but luckily it was all the way that you needed to go to get to your house.*

*Kokonoi stays ahead of you as you cross the road, making sure nobody would approach you from behind, the area was pretty deserted but he didn't want to risk even the slight possibility you'd get hurt again.*

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