Winter is Coming (part 2)

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Was that...snow?


Gray started shivering, why did it have to be HIS shirt?

More snowflakes floated down from the sky, he could feel his lips turning blue. His teeth were chattering as he tried warming himself up but he stayed frozen.

Then suddenly he felt something warm being draped over him, did Natsu just give him his jacket?? What the f-

But when Gray whipped around the only thing that caught his eye was two bright blue orbs staring up at him.

The jacket barely fit him but it was enough to warm him up.

It had never occurred to Gray but Juvia was shorter then him, stronger of course but she had such a tiny figure except for the...ahem, curves.

He shook his head and muttered "aren't you going to be cold in your tank top?"

She shrugged "at least I have a shirt".

Hmmm, very true.

They quickly lit a fire and Gray saw Lucy hugging Natsu under his jacket.

He got angry because he didn't want Lucy to end up with a guy like him. But Natsu's eyes looked...almost kind when they glanced at the blond.

As time passed and it turned dark out they were all freezing cold, thankfully, Juvia came back with some blankets that she had found in a secret compartment.

Natsu and Lucy shared a light pink one which didn't seem to bother the male at all.

Juvia handed Gray a blue one but there was none left. She was going to have to crawl in with him.

Damn, this sucks, he thought. But he couldn't get rid of the fuzzy feeling when she snuggled up against him. Gray thought that if his heart started beating any louder he was sure she would hear it loud and clear.

They drifted off into a deep sleep, forgetting their worries and closing their eyes, unaware of what morning would bring.

Gray stumbled, he couldn't stop or they would reach him. He just kept running, his lungs had a burning fire that could not be tamed. His body wouldn't listen and he kept slowing down, running out of breath.

He squinted, Gray could faintly see a dark, feminine figure up ahead. A shadow of some kind. As he got closer he started seeing the bright blue hair.


He ran harder, pushing his body to the limit. When he was close enough to touch her she pulled something out from behind her back.

His eyes widened, he tried to scramble away but it was to late.


Gray woke up gasping for air, he could hardly breath.

He ran his fingers through his hair roughly, it had all felt so real.

He glanced down to see Juvia fast asleep against his shoulder, she looked so peaceful.

He didn't realize it but Gray had been looking at her for so long he didn't even notice it when her eyes opened.

He was suddenly staring into her deep blue orbs.

"Did you need something?" She asked.

He shrieked and jumped away, taking the blanket with him. When he saw who it was he released the breath he had been holding.

He calmed down and started breathing normally again but when he uncovered his face from the covers he was not looking at a pretty picture.

Juvia was pissed, well-she was still drop dead gorgeous but, that's besides the point!

He scrambled away but stopped when she sighed and rubbed her eyes, lightly smudging her makeup but not enough to make it look bad.

Natsu and Lucy were still fast asleep in the most adorable position! Gray didn't realize it but he had started cooing at them.

He mentally slapped himself and put on a poker face. It didn't last long when he saw Juvia.

She was looking at the flames of their fire with a sad expression, as if it was a memory she didn't want to remember.

Seeing her like that, it made her look, almost fragile. Like a doll with a crack in it, a crack that even the stickiest glue couldn't fix.

And in that moment Gray made a decision, he was going to freeze that crack. And if it kept breaking he would do it again.

Because having a frozen heart is better than having a cracked one.

Was that okay? I hope so. I understand nothing really happened but I wanted to have at least a little progress in their relationship. Comment please! I love to hear some feedback. I'll see you guys soon! Imma out!

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