Your lying! Don't lie to me!

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After school I had went straight to my room to watch Netflix. First I watched Dirty Dancing, then in the middle of Dirty Dancing; Havana Nights, I fell asleep.

As my sleep got deeper, I started to have a dream. I was in the ocean with my friends, when I was pulled under water. I couldn't breathe and my lungs started to burn. I screamed and thrashed around and breathed in water.

I sat up with a quick jerk and started trying to breathe. "Mom!" I cried out between sobs, gasps, and terrible coughing.

My mom came sprinting into the room with my dad in tow. My dad picked me up and carried me to the car. We drove to the hospital as quick as we could. Honestly, it felt like forever to me.

My dad ran me into the hospital and they put me on a bed. There were nurses around me. Doing so many things at once. One held a breathing mask thingy over my mouth and nose. One was yelling at me to hold on. Another yelling something about me not being able to breathe. My chest hurt my eyes were watering and I got really tired. I started to close my eyes. One of the nurses yelled at me to wake up and that I have to stay strong. I heard a door open and I was in a room. The door closed.


I woke up to find myself in a hospital room all alone. Then, about five minutes later, a nurse came in.

"You're awake?" She questioned. I just nodded my head yes.

"Well you probably want to know whats happening, correct?" I nodded again. "Alright. Well, you have thyroid cancer and it is spreading to your lungs. Because of the cancer in your lungs, they started to get filled with water." By now I was silently crying. "You may need an oxygen tank. We are not sure yet. But, it is very likely." The way she says it hints that I am going to need it.

I close my eyes.

This is just a dream. You are fine. This is just a dream. Just a dream...... A......dream.

As I thought the last word I started to sob violently.

"You're lying!" I sobbed. "Don't lie to me!"

"Honey, you need to calm down or your going to have an anxiety attack."

I calmed down enough so that I wasn't freaking out but I still had tears streaming down my face.

"When do I get to go home." I asked my voice sounding small and scared.

"It depends on how your lungs act and what we have to do."

"About how long do you think that will be?"

"Do you want an honest answer or the one you need to hear."


"Probably around a month to about four months at the most. I can't make any promises."

I nodded as I felt the tears stream down my face, again.


Hi! I just wanted to talk about some stuff.

1. I did not mean for this to be offensive in any way, shape, or form. This was just what I wanted to happen in my story because random things happen and it's not a fairy tale. (I'm trying to make it as real and relatable as possible.)

2. Sorry if it's confusing or doesn't make sense. This my first ever cancer scene. So... How bad was it?

3. Thank you to all my peeps who have stuck with me this far.

4. So what do you think of everything?

5. Have a good day, night, afternoon, whatever! Bye!

6. Oh yeah! I'm going to try to update once every day. No promises, though!

7. Later dude! (Or dudett! Did I spell that wrong? Probably. Oh well!)

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