Shut up you derp! (New p.o.v)

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We've been dating for a week, Vin and I have. Today Beatrice is coming home. I swear if she tries anything, I'll kill her. She was pretty cool when we were kids but then she started being nerdier and weirder and would not change her stupid ways. So I stopped being her friend and made fun of her. But she became boring so I just decided to forget she was a person.Everyone is all happy for her coming back. Vinnie is super excited and it's starting to really get on my last nerves. I don't know why their happy though. 

Ugh, speaking of the devil! I think as I see a car pull in.

She jumps out of the car while it's practically still moving. Idiot. She runs over and is panting really loudly and just embarrassing herself. She hugs Vinnie for a minute. And he hugs back!! He pushed her away to arms length and looked really scared. "Are you okay?" He asked very worried.

I hope not. 

She nodded and said very quietly and out of breath. "Yeah... just...... the running."

"Oh." He said sadly.

"Hey turn that frown upside down." She said noticing he wasn't smiling. She put each of her pointer fingers on the corners of his mouth and pushed up. "You look weird like this." She said and then let go when it was obvious he was smiling on his own. He hugged her (Again!) and spun her around a few times. "Put me down you dumb dope." She said while hitting his back lightly.

He finally put her down after forever.

"Whoo, I'm dizzy" She said. Stupid, she acts like she's two.

Vinnie chuckled. "I'm glad your back." He said. That makes one of us.

"Yeah and if everything would stop freaking moving, I would punch you in the gut." If she would actually punch him in the gut. Whoo she would be in trouble...

"I know." He said one seriously. Do they always flirt so much?!?!

Then Iris walked over and hugged her.

Then some guy who I presumed to be Iris' boyfriend hugged her and said, "Good job, Beatrice."

She looked at him with a stupid look on her face.

"It takes a strong person with a good heart and strong determination to live through something like that."

"Iris, if you ever get rid of him, I might just have to try to get him myself." Beatrice said seriously.

Iris chuckled a little. "I don't think I will, but if I do ever get rid of him, he's all yours."

"Thanks." She says and roll her eyes.

Then Halden walks up to her, gives her a single nod and walks into the house.

She whispers something to herself. Who does that?

"Well let's go inside and you kids can watch a movie or... something." A lady who I presume to be her mom says very awkwardly.

"Okay!" We all said and ran inside and up the stairs while Beatrice walked.

"Where to?" Iris asked her.

"Guest room."


We went to the guest room and then sat in a circle.

"So what to do..." She said.

I wasn't listening to what anyone was saying, but I heard Vinnie say something so I agreed with him.

"Okay, so three said spin the bottle, two movies, and one," She pointed to herself. "Doesn't care. So... I guess spin the bottle." She wrinkled her nose when she said spin the bottle. That doesn't even make sense. She says she doesn't care and then wrinkles her nose like it's the grossest thing in the world! 

She drank half a water bottle and offered it to everyone but looked reluctant to give it to the one guy that I had no idea who he was or why he was here. It wasn't Iris' or my boyfriend. It couldn't have been Beatrice's because he only nodded to her like they weren't even friends. Wait! It was the new kid. He seemed like he could be popular. He was starting to get there too. My best friend had a crush on him which is understandable. He was her type. Blonde hair, icy blue eyes that have grey on the outline, strong build, but no so muscular that he looked like he was on steroids. Right now he was wearing a white t-shirt with a leather jacket and jeans. He kind of reminds me of a school bad boy. But he just started school about three months ago so he still has to work on his popularity. He is getting there though.

She got up and went somewhere

When she came back, she asked if she should cut her hair short again. I will admit that her hair looked nicer shorter. That's how she had it when we were friends, but I didn't want to give her the wrong idea, so I said nothing, neither did Mr. Bad Boy.

"Anyway...." She said and laid the bottle in the middle. "Jackson spins because I trust him the most not to cheat." So that's Iris' boyfriends name.

"Hey!" Everyone but Jackson or me yells. 

She giggles a little. Jackson spun and it landed on Iris. Then it landed on Vinnie. Iris walked over to him and gave him a little peck on the lips. I felt my cheeks go a little red with anger.

It landed on Beatrice then Halden. "Eeeewwww." She complained. "Do I have to?" Yes, yes you do. I smirked a little at the irony. 

"Yup." Halden said with a smirk.

"Nasty." She said and just as she was about to kiss him on the cheek he turned and kissed her on the lips. She jumped up and was wiping off her mouth with her shirt and freaking out. She looked pretty stupid. She glared at him and simply said, "I hate you." I hate you too.

The game continued after he just shrugged and it was weird. Bad Boy got kicked out because he wouldn't kiss Vinnie. Thank god. Everyone was out but Iris, Vinnie, and Jackson. It landed on Vinnie then Jackson and they both yelled no at the same time. So it made Iris the winner.

Then we were leaving and while we were walking out to the car, Beatrice pulled Vinnie away from the group. I just stood by the car staring at them.

She seemed to say something and he answered and I saw her say the word "Oh." Then he said something and she started laughing and yelled, "Shut up you derp!" While pushing him forward towards us.

She hugged Iris and then Jackson and said thank you to each of them.

She hugged Vinnie and whispered something in his ear. Then she thanked him and walked into the house.

Vinnie was taking me to the house and I decided to ask him about them. "What's the deal with you and her?"

"Tris?" When I used to call her that, she would yell at me not to! 


"Well, we've known each other since forever and she's my best friend."

"Oh." I said bitterly and turned up the radio. I hope he doesn't plan on hanging out with her much because I don't trust her.

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