i'm fucking crazy

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Title: Ride, Lana Del Rey

Twelve : Osamu Dazai

Dazai never thought of himself as a dangerous kid. Hell, he never thought he'd need to be kept in a facility. Though, Dazai was a genius; well that's what Mori tells him. That's why he needs to be here– that's how it's explained to him.

"Alright." Oda starts. Another session, another day he muses. "What's on your mind Dazai?"

"Mr. Odasaku, why am I here?" The boy asks, like he does daily. He's never really understood why he's kept here. Sometimes he thinks that his parents just wanted to get rid of him. They never liked him anyways.

"You know I can't answer that, Dazai. What would you like to talk about?" He answers instead. Dazai groans, leaning back on the sofa. "Dazai?" The man speaks up after a few minutes. Dazai doesn't feel like talking, he doesn't feel like being here at all.

"When can I leave?" Another question he knows the red haired man can't answer.

"Tell me about your day?" Oda deflects. He places down the book he had in his hand– Dazai just assumes it's his files.

"I was rudely awoken by Mori." The boy grumbles. "Does my files say I'm a morning person? 'cuz I'm not." He crosses his arms now, grumbling about how he had to talk to Mori so that he could get his blood drawn.

Oda hums in response. Dazai's brought back into his room after, he doesn't mind. He likes the comfort of his room. The comfort of loneliness. He startles when his door is opened, he's met with stark long red hair, he looks up– razzled by the intruder.

"Hello, Dazai." The voice perks, "I'm Kouyou, may I speak to you?" She asks, she seems nice; it scares Dazai. He nods nothless, knowing that he can't deny her, he knows Mori would be mad.

He nods in response, unsure of the words he can use. She simply smiles, (So sick, so twisted.) walking further into the brunet's room. "Right. It's a simple request from Mori-sama" She starts, Dazai's confused why Mori wouldn't just come talk to him; Dazai's new here, he hasn't been introduced to anyone but Mori and Oda.

"Okay." Dazai replies, showing that he's listening. He watches as she looks around his room, smiling. She seems to be gathering her thoughts, that's what Dazai reads.

"He'd like you to socialise more, not just with Oda-san." She explains, "He'd like you to move into a room with someone. He feels that you can help them." She explains, softly watching him.

"I don't want to help him." Dazai frowns. Looking away. He's already had everything taken from him, now he's going to lose his freedom too.

"I'm sorry, Dazai." She speaks softly. "You don't get a choice here. He's a very strong user, and since Mori-sama hasn't figured out how to extract your ability, we'd need you to stay with him, since you could nullify it."

"I thought you said this was about me socialising." Dazai has to suppress a groan. Seriously, why is he here again?

"Well, yes, that is one of the reasons. We just picked him because we feel that you would best suit him." She explains, "I can take you to meet him now, would you like that?" She talks while smiling at him softly.

"No." Dazai grits. He still doesn't look at the woman in front of him. He hears her sigh, gently prodding at the situation.

"Dazai, you know that you can't refuse me, now come on." She explains, and he can't deny, so he gets up, sagging around as they walk the halls of the facility.

They make it to a room. It's not dark, it's brightly lit with white stark walls. Dazai shuttles at the brightness, allowing himself to be led by the woman. She opens the door, entering first, Dazai cowers behind her, not scared, though, not safe either.

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