you're the closest to heaven that i'll ever be

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title : Iris, The goo goo dolls

Seventeen: Chuuya Nakahara

"Since when were we allowed to visit in solitary?" Tachihara questions when Chuuya gets back. Chuuya looks at him, confused for a few minutes, because it's common knowledge that it's not allowed.

"We aren't?" Chuuya sounds confused, he plops down on his bed. Tachihara gives him a look, allowing Chuuya to get comfortable before starting to talk.

"You've been there all week, how haven't you gotten caught?" Tachihara nuzzles in his bed, "Seriously why are you even going there?" He asks, anger seems to tint his tone.

"Uhhh," Chuuya responds. Chuuya shifts uncomfortably, scratching the back of his head. He looks away, avoiding Tachihara's piercing gaze.

"Look, Tachihara," Chuuya begins, his voice trailing off as he tries to find the right words. "It's not like I'm just hanging out there for fun. I had some stuff I needed to figure out."

Tachihara raises an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "Stuff? Like what? You can't just waltz into solitary like it's a café."

"That's definitely not it, Tachihara." Chuuya deadpans, "What are you worried about, it's fine." He tries, his voice is calm even though he can feel the anger bubbling to the surface.

"I'm so fucking tired of you getting special treatment." He rises, voice meek. He doesn't look at Chuuya, his hair covering his eyes.

Chuuya's eyes widened, extremely confused. "What? Are you fucking serious?"

Tachihara snaps, his tone harsh. "You get to break all the rules because it's 'important' to you? What about the rest of us? We don't get any special privileges."

"I've never got special treatment. I know the risks of sneaking into solitary. I'm willing to risk it all." He complains, and he knows he sounds fucking stupid and out of character– but he can't help it.

"That's stupid." Tachihara deadpans. "That isn't what i'm talking about, whens the last time you saw Mori?"

"Huh?" Chuuya questions, anger rises, but he stops himself, taking a deep breath he calmly states, "Last year. For a physical."

"My point." Tachihara sighs, "He hasn't tested your abilities in years, it's unfair."

Chuuya really knows that he needs to calm the other, "Yeah. Okay." Chuuya sighs, "I was in the same position as you, he did tests the same way, but now he understands my ability, once he figures out yours it'll be better. You're still so much younger Tachihara. Trust me." Chuuya walks forward, sitting on Tachihara's bed. Tachihara is much younger than Chuuya– so it's easy for Chuuya to coax the boy.

"Listen," Chuuya begins, his voice soft but firm. "I know it seems like Mori favours me. But you've got to understand that it wasn't always like this. I was in solitary for an entire year just for testing. I didn't see anyone during that time. It was just me, my ability, and Mori running endless tests."

Tachihara's head snaps up, his eyes wide with surprise. "A year? I didn't know that. No one told me."

"Yeah, well, it's not exactly something I brag about," Chuuya says with a wry smile. "It was gruelling, and I wasn't exactly having a great time. But that's how Mori works. He puts us through the wringer so he can understand our abilities better."

"So.." Tachihara trials, "It'll be over for me soon then?"

"Should be." Chuuya smiles. The both boys are silent for a few moments. Chuuya moves back to his bed, untying his hair from the ponytail it's in.

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