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– Alex –

- You should go. - Bianca walked about the bedroom, tidying up the mess she made earlier.

- No. I don't have time for this, you know. - I barely finished talking and the eyes of my sister were, at the very least, in their second round in her eye sockets. - Don't roll your eyes, Bia.

- It's Friday night. What do you have to do that keeps you from going to a party? - I opened my mouth to answer, but she was faster and said: - Don't even say homework. I know you finished everything at the library earlier.

- You got me. - I shrugged - It's just that I don't like the idea of willingly spending more time with the school's assholes.

- Not everyone who'll go is an asshole.

Bia was struggling to close the closet filled with everything she picked out of the floor. There was a tangle of clothes, shoes, accessories, bags and I think I even saw a couple of books huddled together there.

- Who is the exception? You? - I raised an eyebrow and laughed.

- Oh, c'mon, Alex. It's not even a big party. - Bianca kept trying to convince me, visibly annoyed with the closet that kept vomiting everything she tried punching inside. - It's just a pre-party for the actual Halloween party at the end of the month. I bet only a couple people will show up today.

- Why do you want me to go? - I asked her, crouching down next to her, to help her with that mess. - You usually don't give a damn if I go or not.

- A friend of mine wants to meet you. - She said, finally.

- Aha! - I pointed at her face. - And here I was, thinking that you wanted my company.

- This too! But, please, Alex! - She said while pretending a crying face. - She helped me cheat on Wednesday's test with the condition that I would introduce you to her. She hasn't left me alone since.

Bianca took her phone out of her pocket and showed me her incoming call history. The name "Pam" showed up over and over again.

- This is driving me crazy.

- You've gotta stop using me as a bargaining chip. - I shook my head.

- Someone has to take advantage of this face of yours.

- And what do I gain from this? - I asked, finishing fitting the clothes in the closet. It was still messy, but now nothing would fall off. For a while, at least.

Bia's face lit up and, jumping up and down, said:

- I'll wash the dishes and be responsible for the dinner for a week.

- Hm...

- And... - She looked like she was putting in effort to remember something. - And I'll walk Gustav everyday during exam season.

- Done. - I blurted out without thinking twice. It was a really great deal to me. - But I'll only say "hi" and leave.

- No problem, you're a free guy after talking to Pamela.

Bianca reached out to a white bed sheet in another part of her closet, picked up a scissor, cut two holes in the sheet and gave it to me.

- Here. You'll be a ghost.

BOOOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora