Drunk vampire

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– Alex –

Bianca and Alexis got away from each other the moment they heard their names being called. I can't say who was more shocked between the four of us.

Alexis quickly ran her hand through her hair in an attempt to tidy it up while she nervously looked at Henrik.

- Babe? What are you... - And then her eyes landed on me. - What were you doing together in that bedroom?


- Are you being for real, Alexis? Is that really the first thing you're gonna say? - Henrik sounded indignant. Although, technically speaking, if he had advanced just a little bit more he wouldn't have any right to get mad at his girlfriend.

I looked at Bianca with a thousand questions stamped on my face. What? Why? What the heck happened in the few minutes we separated?

Bianca, too, seemed confused and just as nervous as Alexis, but she only shook her head and shrugged in response.

Henrik didn't say anything more. He just rushed out of there, stomping down the hallway, fuming with rage. I stood there not knowing what to do, following him with my eyes as he got to the stairs.

When I looked at the two in front of me again Bianca stared at me with wide eyes and suggestively nodded her head to the side. I got her message. She wanted me to get out of there.

I really wished I could confront her right there, ask her what the fuck happened and scold her for ditching me to suck another's girlfriend's face. But Alexis started crying, so I held it in and did what Bianca subtly asked me. Everything I wanted at that moment was to quickly get out of that crappy party as soon as possible, but I knew Bianca probably would spend the next couple hours consoling the girl or doing whatever she wants.

I got back to squeezing myself through the sea of hormones and stinky armpits and let the crowd take me to the nearest door that, fortunately, was wide open.

The pool area was as fancy as the rest of the house. There were a good amount of people there too, some inside the pool, others chatting around it. A bit further than there I found a set of benches and some sort of concrete table with a hole at the center filled with wood. It seemed like a bonfire area or something similar.

There was already someone laid down at the middle bench and the bench at the left was drenched with alcohol, from what my nose could tell. Thankfully there was at least one bench completely empty and dry.

After a few seconds sat I could notice a soft sob coming from the person laid on the middle bench. I pretended I didn't hear anything. I'm tired from all the drama tonight.

Unfortunately, by irony of fate (or curse of this party), the person turned around and my eyes quickly recognized Henrik's face.

Minutes ago he acted like a seducer, drunk with alcohol and luxury. Now he was with half of his costume on, red and puffy eyes from all that crying and a running nose. Strangely enough, he still looked handsome.

I tried to ignore him, pretend I didn't see him and that I couldn't hear his sobs and moans. Henrik, on the other hand, noticed me way too quickly.

- What are you doing here? - Asked me between sobs. - You came to laugh at me?

- No? - I sounded more like I was asking him something. I cleaned my throat and completed: - I didn't know you were here.

- And you expect me to believe in this? - He seemed annoyed.

Ah, c'mon. Now he's testing my patience.

- Believe whatever you want, dude. - I rolled my eyes and got up. It must exist somewhere else in this house where I could be alone. It needs to exist.

I felt something pulling my shirt and saw Henrik holding it the same way he did with my costume minutes ago.

- I'm sorry, I lost my cool. - He sniffled his red nose and looked at me with his eyes shining with tears. - Please, don't go.

- Get off. - I asked, pulling back my shirt. Henrik, then, did the unthinkable: he grabbed my thigh and pulled me closer to him.

My thigh!

I fell sitting next to his face. A mix of anger and confusion dominated me once again while I felt my heart skip a beat with that surprise movement and, of course, the presence of his hand squeezing my thigh from behind. This whole situation was already as embarrassing as it could be, but Henrik has a way at taking everything to the extreme. Including my racing heart and my train of thoughts.

The confusion took over me before I could even contemplate the idea of using my fists against that pretty face. Henrik hugged my waist and went back to crying, now his face buried in my back.

If I ever wondered about his drunk state, now I was certain. He was definitely drunk, maybe more than earlier.

- Dude. - I pushed his face with my hand, forcing him to look me in the eyes. - Let me go.

- Your eyes are pretty. - He blurted out of nowhere.

- Huh? What nonsense is that?

- Wanna have ice cream with me? - He kept ignoring whatever I was saying. - Please?

- No. Let me go.

- Pretty please? - He tightened his arms around my waist a little more and made an abandoned puppy expression, as if he was about to cry even more if I kept rejecting him.

- No. Just let me go.

And he went back to crying with his face on my back.

I shut my eyes in an attempt to calm myself down. I really wished I could just punch him and run away, but by the way he is holding me and how he managed to keep me still on that bed earlier, I doubt a punch would even make him move.

I sighed. There's no way to get out of this, I guess. Maybe an ice cream would do me good.

- Okay. - I said, finally. - But it's on you.

BOOOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora