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– Alex –

- Do you come here often? - I attempted to start a conversation as soon as we sat down.

Thankfully he had finally let go of my hand. I was starting to feel it sweat.

- More than I should. - A small smile formed on his lips. - I love the ice cream they sell here.

I smiled back.

- I'm Henrik, by the way. You're Alexander, right?

I nodded, swallowing a spoonful of strawberry ice cream. Delicious, indeed.

- I always see you around. We have a few classes together, did you know that?

- Yeah, I know. You're not exactly discreet. - I laughed.

Henrik laughed softly and then became serious again. I bet there was a lot he was thinking about.

- Sorry for dragging you into this. Literally. - He looked at me and sighed, bumping his head on the table and remaining like that for a while. I gasped, but quickly went back to my ice cream. At this point, I should just accept he's unpredictable.

When he looked up again he was wearing a sad expression and maybe a little bit of embarrassment. He seemed a tad more sober now.

- I attacked you in the bedroom, yelled at you, made you see that ridiculous scene and even forced you to come here with me. I bet you think I'm the worst now.

- Not the worst. - I lied. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow, indicating he knew I was obviously lying. - Okay, okay. You got me.

- Let's say you haven't been the easiest to deal with this last hour.
- I knew it. - He smiled. A shy and small smile. - I'm really sorry about all that. I can take you home after you finish your ice cream, if you want.

- Thank you, but I'd rather not. - He looked at me surprised and confused. - Don't get me wrong, but you couldn't even walk a straight line, like, five minutes ago. I don't trust you with a car.

- Oh, shit. You're right.

I guess he just remembered he was drunk.

- I'll have to wait for my sister, anyways. - I let out the air in my lungs in an exasperated way.

- Your sister? She's also from West High?

- Well... Yes. - I looked down at my own ice cream, embarrassed. This doesn't make sense, though. I wasn't the one who made out with this dude's girlfriend. - You saw her earlier.

Henrik didn't seem to understand immediately, but in a matter of seconds his face went from confused to shocked.

- Is your sister Bianca Stoltz? The one who was with Alex?! - The volume of his voice increased quickly. I clenched my hands into fists and, nervous, bit the inside of my cheeks, mentally preparing myself to get into an argument. Henrik, otherwise, let out a heavy sigh and rested his head between his hands. After a few seconds of silence, he raised his eyes to me and laughed.

At that moment I felt all the stress that was weighing on my shoulders and hands going away. Maybe it was the drunkard in front of me going nuts, or the relief of not having to get in a conflict with him, but, as if infected by Henrik, I couldn't avoid letting a smile escape throughout my confusion.

- You guys look nothing alike. - Henrik's eyes went left and right, analyzing every inch in sight. Better saying: me.

- Nowadays, yes. My hair isn't pink. - I went back to finish the melting ice cream. Henrik seemed to notice his own was starting to become a soup.

- So... - He started, not looking at me. Eyes glued to his ice cream. - Did you know? About your sister and my...

He left the rest of the phrase hanging in the air, as if he wasn't sure if he should or maybe just didn't want to say "girlfriend".

- No. - He looked at me once again. - I thought they were only lab partners. At least 'till half an hour ago.

- Honestly, she didn't even seem to know you guys were a couple. - I kept saying. - Though, I can't know for sure until we talk later.

- You think so? - He sighed and went back to eat his own ice cream.

- Yeah. Bianca isn't the type to do shit like that.

- Seems like Alex is, though. - He was playing with the empty ice cream cup. Out of nowhere he raised his head again, eyes wide open, as if remembering something and said: - The other Alex, you know, my girl- ex-girlfriend. Not you. Though I don't know if you're the type to do it. I guess you're not, but-

- I got you, Henrik. - I laughed. - Relax.

He also laughed, but nervously.

- It's a bit chilly, right? - Henrik rubbed his hands on his arms in an attempt to warm himself.

- Yet you insisted on having ice cream. - I said, finally finishing the last spoon of the dessert.

- Sorry about it. - He chuckled.

Truth being told, I was having fun. Kinda. Eating ice cream with Henrik on a cold October night after being pinned down by him was surprisingly fun.

- Well, since I can't drive you home, do you wanna wait for your sister at my house? - Henrik bit his lips softly. - It's just around the corner.

I looked at him astonished by his offer. I wonder if he is always like this with people he barely met. That's crazy imprudent.

- Okay. - I agreed, being just as imprudent.

BOOOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora