First Spinjitsu Master created Ninjago using the most powerful weapons in the world. The four golden elemental weapons.
The Sword of Fire.
The Scythe of Quakes.
The Nunchucks of lighting
And The Shurikens of ice
Using these four powerful weapons, the First Spinjitsu Master created a world that knew peace and light. In time, he fathered two sons who would carry on his legacy to be protectors of the four golden weapons.
However, the older brother, given the name Garmadon, craved the power of the four elemental weapons for himself. By doing so, he had hoped to control the world and remake it to his image.
But, thankfully for all of Ninjago, he was defeated by his younger brother, Wu, and sentenced to banishment to the underworld. Wu took the four weapons and hid them in secret locations guarded by fierce dragons of the same element.
Years passed and Wu grew old, soon finding four young men to take up the weapons and train under him as a ninja.
However, Everyone doesn't know that his Father, the First Spinjitsu Master, had a secret that no one knew, even his two sons.
-----------------------------------------------------------3rd pov
"Dad are you sure of this decision?" a girl asked.The FSM master turned to the girl. "Yes, honey, but don't worry, you will still remember everything. But they couldn't know that you're-"
"the daughter of the FSM and I could use both on and dragon powers." The girl replied with an annoyed voice.
He chuckled. "Don't worry, my star, I'll take care of you whatever happens, and IF it happens, you know what to do. You still remember it, Stella?"
Stella nodded with a bit of sadness inside of her. The FSM notices he hugged her tightly and whispers something.
Hi! This is my first time writing a story. Pls comment if I should continue or not, and if you guys have any suggestions or opinions, and if I spell anything wrong, pls tell me. Don't worry; I won't be mad or anything. Because one thing I know is nobody is going to be successful without knowing their mistakes because making mistakes is part of learning. And there will be a suicide, etc. It will be a quick chapter, but I hope some will be long. I can't publish a story every day because I have school. I hope you enjoy it!
The Secret Daughter
FanfictionWhat if there was a more powerful ninja than lloyd? What if someone could use both oni and dragon at the same time? What if someone could use all of the elemental power? What if there was a child before Wu and Garmadon? What if Kai,Jay,Zane, and Co...