17 A accident.

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Stellas pov
"if Morro is trying to get the stuff and find the location of your fathers tomb, shouldn't we just give it to him? He's like giving us a favor." Kai said

I hit his head, "aw! Stella!" He scream as i roll my eyes.

"If he founds the location of ny father's tomb and got the realm crystal he'll curse all of the 16 realms." I explain to him.

"So what do we do?" Cole asked.

"Stella, why don't you go to our dad?" Wu asked.

"No." I calmly said making eye contact with him, "and why would i do that while my boyfriend is possessed by Morro?" I asked.

"I know Morro. Once you get hurt hell get ballistic. You know how Morro is, Stella. Once you get hurt even if it's just a scratch the Ninja's will see something that they could not stop. You're his little sister, Stella." Wu said i sigh.

"If i do it. You'll try to convince him, right?" I asked her he nodded.

"Of course i will, if father did told what the clue is or where it is tell us ok?" Wu said as the boys and Nya hug me.

"I'm sure he'll just tell me. And guys! I'm not going to die or risk my life! Why are you guys hugging me!?" I scream as they broke their hug.

"Please, be safe we DO NOT want to experience whatever Master Wu said." Kai said as i roll my eyes.

"I'm always safe Kai." Nya looked at me.

"The devourer you almost got eaten, The overlord when he tried to also get your powers and Lloyd's, the tournament of elem-" i cut off Nya.

"Shush! I get it, I'll try ok?" I said as the others look at us.

They were silent.

"YOU were there all the time?!" They scream, i roll my eyes.

".... Yea?" I said, "I better get going since it's a quite a journey." I told them and they nodded.

"Be safe!" They said in unison and i made my elemtal dragon.

After a while i got to Ninjago, i to walked to go to the Palace, while i was walking suddenly everything went black.

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