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Nya's pov
As we walked to the dinning room everyone bows and stood up.

"Still can't believe my pretty girlfriend is the princess." Lloyd says.

"We're over it Lloyd." Stella said as we laughed.

We all sat, leaving 3 chairs for Theo, Wu and the FSM.

We all talked and soon the three arrived and sat down too.

"Looks like someone isn't hungry for lunch. I'm just joking, hi bro!" Stella said happily which makes everyone i mean EVERYONE, surprised and confused.

"Hi sis, well, dad and Wu seems like they're not hungry after the drama! They kept talking and stop walking." Theo said annoyed, The FSM smack him.

"What? My sister is finally talking to me without us fighting, so I'm going to talk." Theo said while Wu roll his eyes.

Stella giggle, "typical Wu and dad huh?" Stella said as Wu smack her.

We all laugh as she look at Lloyd with a teary puppy eyes.

"Lloydieee" she said Lloyd kids where Wu smack her and giggle.

"get a room!" Kai said we glare at him.

"Why don't you go to a room!" Stella scream as we all laugh.

"What even is the plan anyways?" I asked her.

"Wait so you're saying you and Sky don't know your plan?!" Jay asked.

"We do, but now we found Stella's brother and father. And we didn't expect until next week that everyone would come." I told them.

"It's for ninjago, why wouldn't we come immediately?" Leo said as Stella smiled.

"The plan is everyone will get into 2 groups every group must have elemental master and royal guards." Stella said as she looked at Lloyd, Wu and the FSM.

"Lloyd i want you to keep my brothers and my dad safe, they'll be after them. And also that means they'll also go after you. I want you 4 to go to Ninjago and be safe there report anything if something happens." Stella said.

"Nya you'll be the leader of the first group, you guys will be sneaking in and report any evidence or what their plan is, destroy what they are building and find the weak point." Stella said.

"Sky you'll be the leader of the second group, you guys will be coming with them but you'll be spread out. Once the first group found out what they are building and what is the weak point help them destroy it, and also help them fight." Stella said.

"And I'll find something useful here, you two know what to do right? If you guys couldn't handle it?" Stella asked.

"Yep!" Sky said happily.

"Jay and Nya will be partners they will go to the left side." Stella said

"Is that Nya's left or my left?" Jay asked.

"We have the same left!" I scream as everyone laughs.

"Lloydie.." Stella said we look at her.

"What is it baby?" Lloyd asked.

Stella smile at him, "just promise me to always remember ok?" Stella said.

"Remember what? Don't worry if you are the one talking I'll always remember." Lloyd said.

"Just remember to be careful who you trust.. even salt looks like sugar." Stella said making as confused.

"Huh? What do you mean? Why would you suddenly talk like Master Wu?" Lloyd as as Wu smack him.

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