7 A important thing

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Stellas pov
"It's nice to see you too" i said.

"Well be arriving in the place in 5 minutes." The driver said.

After a while of driving we're already inside of the palace, the main hall.

After a while of driving we're already inside of the palace, the main hall

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"It's still the same as before." I said then walking up to the stairs.

"I'll be waiting here Princess." The driver said.

I walked to the hall then to my room, as one of the maids came in.

"Good morning princess it's nice to see you again." A maid said i turned around to see.

"Scarlet!" I said as i hug her, " i missed you." I said as he laughs.

"I miss you too princess, come on lets get you dress and finish what you're suppose to do" scarlet said.

"Aw, you already want me to leave?" I said sarcasticlly as we both laugh.

We went to my room, it was my first time to get inside for a few years.

"I'll be waiting here, you go change" Scarlet said and i nodded going to my room.

It still has my toys, a tiny training area, my old clothes, my books and diarys, my favorite flowers are still alive, and a lot of stuff just like the same. The thing that only changed is i have new clothes, for my age 16.

I changed, fixed my clothes and hair.

And i went outside my room to see more maids they all bow down

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And i went outside my room to see more maids they all bow down.

"You're ready? Do you have anything to get?" Scarlet ask.

"I'll finish what i have to do." I said as we both went downstairs.

We finally got into the balcony. Where all of the people are there.

"People of Ninjago I'm Stella Nyx, Daughter of the FSM and Aurela, I am here to announce that i and the others who you knew as Ninjas. And for people who says i have the power of Destruction and Creation, yes i do but my main elemental power is balance. I must say that my mother was not the woman you think. Before Wu and Garmadon was even born my mother was already pregnant with me. She was a kind, beautiful and intelligent woman but she was sadly born in the wrong side. I know must of you have a question how or why i become 14." I sigh before i continue, "i become a 14 years old again because i drank a potion to do it.. me and my father never wanted it to happen but it must happen in order for Wu and Garmadon to survive, his powers was divided into two for his two sons but we didn't knew that he would be bittin. If we also didn't do it i could possibly to die too so we have to do what we must do. Drink the potion. But now i am here, I Stella Nyx claim my title as the princess of the 16 realms.." i said i knew it would be my responsible but it also means if anything happen i must protect everyone.

The people cheered to hear that there was a ruler.

"I will do everything in my abilities to protect and have peace in all 16 realms." I said then waved to them and went inside.

"Get ready my stuff and informe Mystake i did it." I said then going to my room.

Once i sat in my room, i sat in my bed it was a lot of responsibility for a 14 years old. I sigh as i lie in my bed.

"Princess" someone called me knocking on the door.

"Come in" i said as i sat again.

"Here is the stuff and the weapon." A maid ask with a Knight behind her.

"Thank you, and do you guys need anything?" I said and asked the knights.

"We just wanted to inform you princess that you're video of claiming your throne has already reach everywhere. And the ninjas.." one of the knights say.

"What about the ninjas?" I said worried because Lloyd is with them.

"We just found out that Zanes father was captured and was at the lighthouse but thankfully they escape there with Zanes father, and they also watch your video claiming your throne and announcement." The other knight said.

"Ok good, but why didn't you find Julian much earlier?" I asked as Zane shouldn't have to be separated by his father.

"We couldn't find him earlier because he was gone before we could even see where he go." The other knight said.

I sigh "ok, you guys know what to do if anything happens right?" I asked, the knights bow.

"You may be dismissed now." As they leave i quickly change and went outside.

As i once outside i concentrate i couldn't do it immediately since i haven't used my powers ever since i drank that potion

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As i once outside i concentrate i couldn't do it immediately since i haven't used my powers ever since i drank that potion.

Finally after many tries a beautiful white,black, and silver flowers sorronds me then i close my eyes.

Once i opened my eyes i saw the others they're already in the dark island.

"Ella!" Lloyd screamed and run to me.

"Hi Lloyd, miss me already?" I said as he hug me.

"You could've told us! We could've waited for you to finish!" Lloyd said hugging me and doesn't want to break up the hug.

"Lloyd if we did that Garmadon would have a head start." I said as the others came close.

"We saw you, so that was what you were going to do?" Cole asked i nodded.

"Lloyd move aside, it's my turn! I miss you little sis!" Nya said moving Lloyd gently then hugging me.

"Miss you too big sis." I said.

"So what did i miss?" I asked breaking the hug from Nya, "you didn't miss anything we just arrived earlier." Nya said.

then we followed Cole to Master Wu, Misako, and Julian.

"Stella, it's nice to see you." Master Wu said coming to me.

"Thanks master Wu, i hope you're not angry i didn't told you immediately." I said to him surprisengly he hug me.

"Of course not half sis?" Wu said questioning if it was right.

I smiled "yep half sister, tho I'm not sure if who is older now. You or me?" I said as we all laugh.

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