8 Temple of Light

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Stellas pov
We're all outside thingking of a way to stop the fight.

"Argh! I hate this! We couldn't even destroy those stupid stone warriors!" Lloyd scream as he throw a rock.

"Hmm..." As i said a bit too loud the others look at me even Sensai Wu.

"What? It's not like you guys could find your own pure elemental powers or could go to the temple of light where the golden weapons were forged." I said to them then looking away, they were all shocked.

"So you knew a way and didn't told us?!" Jay screamed, i shrug.

"Well.. do you have your elemental power?" I asked as i turned to them smirking.

"No.." they said in unison except Lloyd.

"What is a pure elemental power?" Lloyd ask but i ignore it aince I don't want to explain.

I sigh "and you think that i would allow you guys go to the temple of light and get your elemtal power?" I said looking to the others shock.

"How did you knew this?" Misako ask, Lloyd then went up "then we'll go to the temple of light!" He says as the four ninjas cheers.

"No! No you guys will not go! I don't want to " before i continue what i was saying i stop.

"To what?" Cole ask, everyone was confused

"I'll not allow you guys to go there! We'll find another way." I said as i leave them outside and i went inside to go to my room.

Coles pov
I was super confuse by what Stella mean.

"Am i the only one or??" I asked them.

"No you're not the only one cole, something must've happen or happened." Lloyd said as he look to turn Master Wu.

"I don't know Lloyd." Master Wu said.

We all think think of someway and what just happened.

"Nya, where are you going?" Jay asked as we all turn around to see Nya going somewhere.

"I can't stand this anymore! I'm going to ask my little sis." Nya said looking at us.

"Our little sis!" We all said except Lloyd,Master Wu,Misako and Julian.

She glared at us "I'm going to ask MY sis what happened." And left us.

Nyas pov
As i went to Stellas room i hesitate at first, i took a breath and knock.

"Little sis? Could i come in?" I said waiting for her answer.

"Sure, just dont mind the mess." She said, as i walk inside her room it was not just a mess it was a disaster.

"I'm looking for another way to stop the fight." She said then sitting next to me.

"Sis, why don't you not want the ninjas to go to the temple of light?" I  asked as she look surprise.

"It's nothing.. i won't allow them to go there, it's dangerous." She said then  look down, i hugged her.

"You know them sis they'll be alright whatever happens." I said to reassure her.

"I don't want to lose them, i lose my mom because of the temple of light." She said having teary eyes, then she look like she was zoning out. I let her, but hugged her as she zone out to remend her that I'm always here for her.


Estellas pov

"Mom!" I said running to her.

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