Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 -

I was getting ready for his football game when I noticed a text on my iphone. "Don't bother showing up today you ugly hoe" It was from a number I didn't recongize. I simply ignored it. I remembered that it was a school event so I can't dress up the way I would normally do. So I threw my hair into a pony tail, shoved on my glasses, and wore just blue jeans with a pink v-neck.  I don't know what to expect today.

I can't believe that Rosco thought it would be better if I just used my secret as a weapon to make the bullying go away? How stupid can he get? Do I want fake friends coming on me cause I have money? Or I can make them famous? No. I will keep this a secret for as long as I possibly can. And if he doesn't understand that, then I'll transfer schools.

When I was satisfied with my awful appearance, I went down stairs, and went to my car. Plugging in my  ipod and playing Cher Lloyd to get me in a good mood as I drove down the long stretch to the highway to get to my school. I heard my phone ringing, so I answered it.


"Hey Lace, it's Aaron, did you delete my number?" Shit it was Aaron.

"Um... no, I just didn't look at my phone to see who it was before answering..." I lied to him. Of course I deleted his number!

"Sure. Anyways, what are you doing?"

"Going to a school football game, why?" 

"Oh... Lame. You should give up this school thing, Lace. It's not very becoming of you. Well we are having a photo shoot in 2 days, so I just thought I'd give you a heads up." This guy is so annoying!

"What photo shoot?" I never got a call from Ron.

"I decided it for you, it's for Vogue. I was asked and I told them you had to do it with me."

"Oh gee, thanks for consulting me first Aaron." What if I don't wanna do it?

"Well see ya there Lace." He made a kissing sound and hung up. Gross! Why does he have to be incredibly good looking? And a complete asshole? 

I pulled into the school parking lot, and got out. Following the sound of the marching band and cheering crowd. There was bright lights, and balloons and everything. It looked exciting. I walked over to the farthest bleacher, but got cornered again.

"Why the hell did you show up nerd? Rosco doesn't even like you! You are so gross!" The blonde girl yelled again. Its the same girl from earlier.

"I have a right to go anywhere I want. Now get out of my way." I moved past them and kept going. I noticed Rosco out on the field. He noticed me and ran over, but before he got to me... the blonde got to him.

"Rosco!" She screamed and ran over and hugged him. It made me really mad. He just stood there and didn't know what to do. He stared at me with a confused look. I rolled my eyes. The coached yelled over for them, so he left. The game was starting. The crowd went wild as I just sat there quietly. I don't understand football, but I'm just watching Rosco move. He's fast and strong.

When the first half way over, and it was break time, I finally got to see Rosco and actually talk to him. He jogged over to me and I kissed his cheek, like usual. He hugged me tightly, which surprised me. "Good job on the first half." I smiled.

"Thanks, sorry that the girls are bothering you." He frowned.

"It's okay." I smiled again, faking it.

"Ew! Look at that nerd talking to Rosco! Gross!" The blonde yelled again.

"Bro, why would you talk to someone like Lacy? She's so ugly." One of his friends came up behind. I felt like we were getting tag teamed now. I knew this would happen. I'm so stupid.

"She's not ugly." Rosco replied straight faced.

"Look how plain she is! You would never like someone like her." The blonde said again.

"What's wrong being friends?" I said simply.

"No one wants to be your friend." Rosco's friend stared. Suddenly there was a crowd around us.

"Oh my god, Lacy Stewart is a model! She's beautiful!" Rosco pointed and yelled straight at me. I went wide eyed. Did he just break his promise? And spill my secret?! You could see he noticed what he did wrong, the look on his face showed it. I felt the tears starting to burn.

"Yeah right. The Lacy Stewart who is a model is beautiful, not this ugly thing." The blonde smirked.

I pushed through the crowd. I needed out. I could hear Rosco trying to call after me, but I just ran. I needed out. I knew this would happen. I feel so bad that I let him get in so much shit from his friends because of me. I'm so stupid. I ran towards the office of the school. I knew what I had to do. I pushed through the doors.

"I need a transfer slip".

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