Rise Of The Undead

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The vampire snarled at our web slinging hero and he was just backing up 

The vampire snarled at our web slinging hero and he was just backing up 

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Spider-Man: I uh....hehe...I don't suppose it's not too late to say I'm sorry from disturbing you from your nap? Then again....you guys sleep during the day but uh....not one to judge if you're a daylight vampire. 

The vampire roared and attacked Spidey forcing him to leap over it land on his feet then kicks it to the wall webbing him there 

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The vampire roared and attacked Spidey forcing him to leap over it land on his feet then kicks it to the wall webbing him there 

Spider-Man: And stick around. 

The vampire however cuts through the webbing 

Spider-Man: Oh God....


......he was not the only problem 

Spidey's senses went off again and he looked back

he was not the only problem Spidey's senses went off again and he looked back

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To see the other bodies rising as vampires and they all snarled at Spidey 

To see the other bodies rising as vampires and they all snarled at Spidey 

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