Spidey's third adventure finally begins in the MCU Universe where things go bump into the night Peter and his friends and family face off against something beyond reality feathering Michael Morbious The Living Vampire wreaks havoc in Queens featheri...
Morbius: Spider-Man. You must help me. Something's really wrong with me. I only took the serum to save my own life. But....something took over me. I....I don't know it's like I've become---
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Spider-Man: Mr. Hyde? Sorry bad joke. Venom.....told me you had different personalities. I'm guessing this is your Dr. Jeckell side.
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Morbius: At first.....I was only human at day time. But at night I become.....this blood thirsting monster. I've even made....more like me.
Spider-Man: I know. I know I saw them. And I want to help you and them. But I need to take you to meet some people I know and know how to help you.
Morbius: No! Too dangerous. I can't be around people. I can hear their heart beats and I.....loose control of myself and.....it takes over. And it's gotten stronger not even the sun will change me back again.
Spider-Man: Well I can't just leave you here while you could change again. You'd still hurt more people.
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Morbius: I'll lock myself in my lab. But be back before night. They'll be looking for me by then.
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