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Back at Midtown High Peter and MJ were still disagreeing weather May should know the truth or not 

Back at Midtown High Peter and MJ were still disagreeing weather May should know the truth or not 

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Mary Jane: All I'm saying is May knowing the truth maybe the only way she'll unground you. 

Peter: More like ground me more. Aunt May has been more strict with me since Uncle Ben. I mean I'm all she has left. 

Mary Jane: And you're all this city has to protect it. Pete what more can you do? 

Peter: I don't know. 

Mary Jane: Well till you do I still think she needs to know. 

Peter: MJ

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Peter: MJ. I---

Pete was suddenly jumped when they heard a car honk 

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Pete was suddenly jumped when they heard a car honk 

It was May picking him up as she said he would 

Peter: It's May. I gotta go. 

Mary Jane: At least think about what I said. 

Peter nodded and rushed over to May's car leaving MJ hopeless herself 

We later cut back to The Daily Bugle half an hour later 

We later cut back to The Daily Bugle half an hour later 

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