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Meanwhile back at Eddie's apartment Peter pulled his mask back on his head and opened the window 

When he steps one foot on the window edge he looked back to Eddie

Spider-Man: Listen. Happy and Dr. Lewis are working on the cure but if we're gonna keep those vampires at bay there's a strong possibility S.H.I.E.L.D. will lock down the city. So if you're gonna split town....I'd say do it sooner than planned. When we were chasing Kraven Fury did say he was looking for Venom. 

Eddie: Appreciate it

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Eddie: Appreciate it. But where  you going now? 

Spider-Man: I gotta check in with May and MJ

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Spider-Man: I gotta check in with May and MJ. I'm sure May's more mad as hell and will likely take my suit away but I have to face her sooner or later. Plus MJ's worried enough herself. Just stay by your phone if I need you but.....I'd be ready to leave tomorrow to avoid S.H.I.E.L.D. 

Eddie: Guess I better book a flight early than expected. Even though Venom drags me over thirty stories still hate heights. 


Spider-Man: Yeah. I'll call later. 

He leaps out the window just right before Venom's head flows out of Eddie's back

Venom: S.H.I.E.L.D. couldn't catch us if we were under their bleeding noses. 


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