There's too much drama. (One direction/District3 fanfic)

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Idk this story just popped into my head for some reason. So i hope you enjoy! :) Please give comments and things!

---------------------------------------------------------CHAPTER 1-------------------------------------------------------------

The smell of vomit and alcohol clung to the carpet. Thick fogs of smoke hung in the air. Stains of god knows what was on every surface. I felt physically sick, but I'll be out of here soon. I got to room 108 and stopped in front of the door contemplating if I should do this or not. I hung my head squeezing my eyes shut, its for Greg not me. You're probably wondering what I'm doing. I would too if it involved a scummy place like this. You see my best friend Greg recently split from his girlfriend, Mandy, and to be honest he's seen better days. He refuses to see day light, staying cooped up in his bedroom with the curtains drawn tightly. He refuses to talk to me or even eat for that matter! And I hate seeing him so torn up. And as much as I hate Mandy, she makes Greg happy and that's all that matters.

I raise my hand, taking a deep breath and knocking lightly on the door praying she answers quickly so I can get out of this shit hole. I hear the click of her heals getting louder as she gets closer to the door. She swings open the door and I suddenly feel sicker than before. If that's even possible. Orange plastered on her face, her extensions messily perched on her head, the short skirt barely covering the last bit of dignity she has left, which I can tell you isn't much. Her annoying high pitched voice snaps me back to reality.

"What are you doing here?" she spat, confusion and an angry glance taken dominance on her features.

"err..I-I came to talk to you. Are you busy?" I stuttered, starting to feel kind of nervous of how she would react to me standing in her doorway.

"As a matter of fact I am" she lied closing the door. I stuck my foot there before it shut.

"please just hear me out" I begged, really not wanted to be here any longer.

She sighed and walked into her flat leaving the door open for me. I hesitated before entering and closing the door behind me. I became overwhelmed with disgust at the sight of her flat. It was worse than the corridors. She turned to face me and I gave her a fake smile.

"well..I don't have all day!" she said harshly.

"It's Greg" I sighed as she rolled her eyes. I ignored her reaction and carried on. "he's really cut up about the brake up. I've never seen him so upset. He won't talk to anyone, he won't eat..fuck he wont even come out of his bedroom. What happened between you guys?" I cursiously asked. Obviously I don't know yet because Greg isn't talking. She sighed. She seemed as though she didn't care. Their was a bang in one of the bedrooms. A very loud bang. Even making me jump out of my skin. Her eyes grew wide as she mumbled a quick wait one sec to me. I grew impatient as she was taking ages. I walked through her flat cringing at the state of it. I reached the bedroom and looked through the crack in the door.

"Shut the fuck up will you! I have a guest and if they hear you I'm done for." she whispered loudly and harshly. I couldn't see who she was talking to though. "and so will you" she added chuckling evily. I gasped. She's going to kill someone?!

I instantly regretted coming. No way am I getting Greg and her back together. She stepped to the side slightly. And I gasped at what I saw. Oh. My. God.


So how did i do on the first chapter?

Please tell me if you enjoyed it or vote or something because i would like to know if i should carry it on or not!

Thankyou for reading so far!

Love Claire xx

There's too much drama. (One direction/District3 fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now