Meeting Again

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On the Saturday following the awkward encounter with Nicholas and his mother, Natalia and Tata, as they often did, slipped away from the house to lose themselves in the lively atmosphere of their favourite Parisian nightclub. Their escapes had become something of a ritual—the only moment of their otherwise busy and formal lives when they could truly unwind and be themselves—and this particular spot,  right in the heart of Montmartre, had captured their hearts almost immediately. Though they had tried out a few other places over the last few months, they both agreed that this one was ideal for what they were looking for. It was large enough to allow them to blend into the crowd using false names and exclusive enough to keep out any unsavoury company. They could dance, laugh, and let go without fear of being recognized or judged.

As they entered the club, they were welcomed by the familiar sounds of the jazz notes, filling the air with energy and rhythm. The room was dimly lit but it was alive with movement—couples were twirling under the soft glow of chandeliers, groups huddled around tables, drinks in hand, and the band on stage played with wild abandon as the trumpet's brassy tones cut through the conversations.

Natalia and Tata found their usual table, a cosy spot near the edge of the dance floor where they could see everything but remain inconspicuous. A waiter quickly appeared, and without needing to speak, as he already knew them so well, they asked for their favourite drinks—a glass of champagne for Natalia and a gin fizz for Tata.

The evening began as it always did, with the two of them exchanging mischievous glances and scanning the room for familiar faces or interesting strangers. But it didn't take long for the pull of the music to make Tata stand up and grab Natalia's hand, dragging her to the dance floor.

"Come on, darling! Let's show these Parisians how it's done," Tata laughed, and Natalia could barely hear her over the sound of the music.

Though more reserved, she simply couldn't resist Tata's infectious enthusiasm. They began to dance in a fluid, carefree way, spinning and swaying to the beat. The whole room was buzzing with life over the fast-paced jazz numbers and Natalia let herself go with the mood. The smoky atmosphere of the club, paired with the music and Tata's company was an intoxicating mix.

At that moment, the worries of school, the looming return to Russia, and even the awkwardness with Nicholas all faded into the background. Here, she was free. She laughed as Tata made a grand, exaggerated twirl, nearly bumping into another couple, and the two of them dissolved into giggles.

After a few songs, breathless and exhilarated, they returned to their table. Their drinks had arrived, and they sipped them slowly, watching the crowd. Natalia leaned back letting her fingers tap lightly to the rhythm of the band.

"Can you imagine doing this back in Russia?" Tata asked with a grin, glancing around the club.

Natalia shook her head, smiling wistfully. "Not a chance. I'm sure my father would find a way to send me to a convent," She paused and tried to laugh, but her gaze drifted toward the stage. "I'll miss this," she admitted in a soft voice. "The freedom. The music. Feeling like we can do what we want."

Tata, sensing the shift in her mood, nudged her playfully. "I'm sure we'll find new ways to have fun, Natasha. Even in Russia."

Natalia squeezed Tata's hand and forced a smile, but she knew it would be hard to shake off the melancholy over the last weeks they had left. She went back to sipping her drink and watching the crowd when Tata suddenly gasped and grabbed her arm. 

"Natasha, look over there!"

Natalia blinked for a moment over the foggy cloud of smoke that hovered in the air and followed her friend's gaze toward the far corner of the room. In the dim light, partially concealed by shadows, she could just make out a tall young man leaning over a girl. They were kissing passionately, pressing their bodies close, oblivious to the world around them. The intensity of the scene made Natalia squint, both in amusement and mild disbelief.

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