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"Michaelis, fashionably late, as usual," Mrs. Hannah, my English teacher said, examining the pass that I had expertly forged this morning. I knew I'd be late to class after breaking it off with Mey-Rin. She was a talkative one, and I could always predict when a girl was about to try and gab her way out of a situation.

I scanned the room for a seat and found an empty space next to Alois Trancy. I had actually been wanting to get with Alois for quite a while now but hadn't had the chance due to his (recently changed) relationship status. I smirked. How convenient. I would have already bedded him by now if he didn't have a boyfriend. I may have been an animal, but there's one thing that I wasn't, and that was an animal.

I sat down next to him and let the dirty look he gave me refract off of my shining personality.

"Hey th-"

"Let me guess? Just broke it off with Mey-Rin and are looked for some new fish to fry? If so, I'm not interested," he snapped. Everything he said came with a trademark Alois smirk.

"Actually, she broke it off with me," I said sadly. I inwardly laughed to myself. Mey-Rin? Break it off with me? Who did my mind think she was?

"Really?" he asked, his words dripping with sarcasm and doubt.

"Yeah," I sighed, "Really. I was so close." Hook.

"Close to what?"

"I actually thought that I had met the one. Oh well, not the first heartbreak I've been through. I'll get through it." His face softened slightly. Line.

"You thought she was the one? But you only started talking a few days ago."

"I'd had a crush on her for years, I just never had the courage to tell her. I thought she was too good for me. I guess she was." You could physically see the despair swimming in Alois's bright blue eyes.

"Oh my gosh, Sebastian. I am so sorry. I know what it's like to lose someone. When Claude and I broke up, I was devastated. You'll get through this," he comforted me, placing his hand over mine. And sinker. We've got another one, folks. This one was easier than expected.

"Thank you," I said in mock sincerity, squeezing his hand lightly. I faked a smile.

"As if," a voice from behind Alois snapped. I watched as his chair was physically pulled from mine, our hands slipping farther and farther away. A head of full bluenette hair and fierce azure eyes appeared from thin air. "Didn't your mother ever teach you not to play with your food, Michaelis." Ciel's metaphor was edged in bitterness and drenched in ferocity

Ciel. Five foot nothing of pure, unadulterated prude. Not to mention he had the worst case of male pattern Resting Bitch Face that I had ever seen. I was a little put off by the extremity of his reaction. I hadn't even tried to make a move on him... yet.

You see, I had this special way of doing things. First, I'd split the group of people I was willing to sleep with into categories. You could call them several things, sluts, prudes, etc. but I just called them Easy, Medium, or Difficult. I'd stated this freshman year; I'd gotten through the Easies. Sophomore year was the Mediums. Junior and Senior year was split between the Difficults. I know, two years? But hey, they aren't called difficult for nothing. Anyways, I'd set my sights on an unsuspecting prey, I'd watch them for a few days, sometimes while I was "with" another one (you know, to save time), and I'd find a hook, or something that I could use that would grab their attention. Then I'd add onto it with a line, molding any prejudices they may have had against me. Lastly, the sinker, I would find their angle, use it, and take it home. Or... take them home, I should say. It was an expert plan, one that you would find bits and pieces of shoved into a 30 minute long infomercial, only to be disappointed when they tell you that the information you came there for could only be found in some phony "fool-proof" book they were selling.

"Something like that," I shrugged. "You see, where I'm from, the food's so tough that you have to play with it a little first." I smirked at myself. My thick accent made for a very nice touch. Sometimes, I complimented myself on how smooth I was. You can't write this shit.

"You're disgusting," Ciel spat.

And just like that, I knew who my next project would be. Alois was classified as Difficult only because of his barrier of a boyfriend. No, he wasn't a true Difficult, I could have him right now if Ciel hadn't interfered. Ciel was a Difficult. He was the Difficult of the Difficults. And I knew I had to break him.

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