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I kissed Ciel Phantomhive.

I kissed Ciel Phantomhive.

I kissed Ciel Phantomhive.

"I kissed Ciel Phantomhive," I muttered quickly, almost hoping William didn't hear me.

"You what?! Ciel Phantomhive?! You mean the prudest male in the school, that Ciel Phantomhive?"

"Heh, yeah," I sighed, scratching the back of my neck. William made it seem like such a huge deal, the hook up of the century. Which it was. Just not in the way I would have hoped. When I kissed Ciel, it was like my body reacted on my own. But the kiss wasn't the problem. My original intent was to pull him inside and take him right there in his own home. I could have done it too. His parents weren't home. He didn't reject me, either. By the way his hands fisted into my hair and how he pulled himself as close as he humanly could, I would assume that he actually... wanted it. Ciel Phantomhive wanted me that night. So why didn't I do it?

"So what do you think?"

"What do I think about what?" I asked shaking my thoughts.

"Party. Tonight. My place. Somewhat of a congratulatory celebration?"

"Uh, yeah," I answered without really hearing him, "Sure."
"Consume!" Will shouted in my ear. I wasn't really planning on getting drunk but when your friends like the play Never Have I Ever with shots instead of fingers and your a man whose done many a thing... one thing kind of leads to another, you know?

I downed the shot of slammed it back onto the table. A whooping sound followed. Or at least I think it did, my sense of sound was starting to wane. Wait... is sound a sense? What are senses? I'm too drunk for anatomy right now...

I looked around at my dozens of adoring fans. Will was to my right, slapping my on the back playfully. Will may seem like a prim and proper man, but as soon as a party comes up William disappears and Will comes out.

I recognized a few other faces. Some people I'd been with, Grell, who was more William's friend than mine, Claude, but I could only focus on one depressed looking boy, swishing his beer around in his cup.

"Alois?" I asked, "What'r you doin' here?"

"Oh," he quickly brushed off his wet cheeks and smiled, "Hey, um, Sebastian."

"Why'r you crying?"

"I'm not."

"I mayb' drunk but you are also a very bad liar too." I stumbled, bumping him with my chest, he giggled.

"You aren't 'maybe' drunk, you are drunk. Do you want me to bring you upstairs?" His concern reminded me of Ciel. How Alois offered to help me even though he doesn't much care for me is defiantly something Ciel would do. If only he were here...

"Yeah," I took a step closer towards him, "I would." He blushed and glanced behind me. I followed his eyes to where Claude was sitting. He looked concerned, but didn't advance. I looked back at Alois who smiled seductively.

"Let's go then." He took me by the wrist and led me to the spare bedroom. I can only imagine that the reason he knew that is from being here with Claude so many times. Alois pushed me back onto the bed and climbed on top of me, kissing up my neck. I knew he was only doing this to get back at Claude but I didn't care. I just wanted a throw. No, needed a throw. I flipped our positions and worked off his shirt. I thought about how appalled Ciel would be watching me take advantage of his best friend... then I thought of Ciel. What he would look like squirming beneath me. I bite down on the skin of Alois's left hip bone, causing him to gasp. No, this wasn't about Ciel. I didn't care about him or what he thought about me.

Then... why did I feel like so hollow with this incredibly sexy boy laying in front of me?

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