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Before long, I was rushing around my home, fixing tea and blankets and movies like some sort of butler. Ciel made me so inconsistent. So incompetent. So... indecisive. One minute I'm ready to chew his neck out, the next I was jumping onto the thinnest limb just to show him how I was loveable. There was just no in between with him and I. All in all, I'm lucky that my parentals have been understanding and not asked too many questions about the whole endeavor. I'm not sure exactly what I would tell them.

"Sebastian, you really don't have to-" I shut him up but placing a cup of Earl Gray in his hands. He inhaled deeply. "How did you know Earl Gray was my favorite?"

"You ordered it when we went to the pastry shop." Ciel twisted his thumbs around the handle of the mug. Everything he did was so sensual it was hard to resist placing a kiss on his forehead. So I didn't.



"Let's say I stay here tonight. Let's say you don't touch me or look at me or think of me. Let's say this works out. Whose to say that you won't go back to Alois or someone Monday morning. You're very unpredictable." I let out a sharp laugh.

"Alois? God, Ciel, I would have think that you with that big brain of yours could have figured it out by now. I was using Alois to make you jealous."

"Well, that wasn't very nice." A light, victorious smile ghosts across his cheeks.

"Has Alois been very nice to you lately?" His face twitched.

"That's besides the point. What about all the other girls or guys that you haven't gotten your chance with? Aren't you dying to claim them? I'm not going to last Sebastian."

"Ciel, you're testing my patience. Now watch the movie." He turned his attention to the screen in front of us. It was obvious that he didn't even know a movie was playing.

"You know, Sebastian," Ciel spoke after a few minutes of silence. I turned to face him. He was crying. "I'm not quite sure why I'm here right now." And that was the straw that broke me.

One hand went to his face, the other to his waist to hold him still. I didn't place light, loving kisses on his lips, but quick, urgent ones. Ciel let out a moan that I didn't expect. He backed away.

It was odd, really. Touching Ciel always felt different than I thought it did. That's why I never understood those people who said that they could still feel someone's lips on their own, even after they were gone. It wasn't like that with Ciel. Touching him was perpetually fleeting. I could never quite memorize the feeling of it. That's why I was never the first one to pull away.

I dove in for another kiss, pushing him backward onto the couch. "Ciel," I said in between kisses. "Never feel like you aren't good enough." I bit down softly on his earlobe, earning another yip from the bluenette. I worked off his shirt and kissed my way down his chest and to his hips. I kissed the spot where my hickey would go. "I'm the one whose not good enough," I said, and finally began to cry.

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