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It took every fiber of my being to hold myself together as my parents questioned me about my shopping experience.

"Did Alois like his outfit," my mother asked.

"Loved it."

"Did he find anything you liked?" My dad asked.

"Not this time."

"Did Alois buy his? Do you have a picture."

"Again, not this time."

"Are you okay?"


I walked tensely up the stairs and too my room. As soon as the door softly shut, I burst into silent sobs. I kept myself quiet which only hurt worse.

How could Alois do this to me? He knew we had gone out together and he knew that Sebastian was bad new. Betrayed by my own best friend. I would have never guessed that something like this would happen. How could he do it? How could he sleep with Sebastian?

Sebastian. I actually believed for a day, an hour, a minute, a second, a minuscule moment that he actually cared about me and what did he do? He used it against me. It wasn't even about getting with me anymore. Maybe it never was. Maybe this was Sebastian's plan all along, show me what kind of control he had over me and then spit me out like lukewarm Earl Gray. He wanted me to know that I wasn't good enough for him.

And maybe that was true... maybe I deserve this. After what I said to Alois, maybe I'm the bad guy after all.

I wiped my dried tears off my face. I was feeling utterly drained. I tried to call Alois a few times to apologize, but it went strait to voice mail. I sigh and get into bed, pulling the covers over my head and feeling more alone than ever.

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