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"Go team!" I heard in the distance. I was surprised to even hear it considering the mass amounts of people screaming for one team or the other. Then there was the band playing the Sweet Caroline every 10 seconds. The entire cacophony was illuminated by bright lights and the smell of hot dogs. So this is a football game. I laugh inwardly. It's my senior year and I had never been to a football game. I may have at some point to watch my friend Bard play, but, you see, when it comes down to the choice between supporting your childhood friends or bedding someone, I knew he wouldn't mind that I opted for the later option.

I scanned the bleachers for my feisty, bluenette, soon-to-be pet. I found him and Alois sitting in the first row, Alois watching intently, while Ciel's nose was buried in a book, feet kicked up onto the seat between them. How could he read at a time like this? He really was a buzzkill. Although, I did somewhat admire him. I too enjoy a good book at times.

"Oh pity, there aren't any more seats," I said loud enough to grab his attention, "I wish someone, possibly someone with beautiful brown eyes, would be kind enough to let me squeeze in next to him." He didn't even bother looking up.

"My eyes are blue, Michaelis."

"How did you know it was me?"

"You're the only one tall enough to block my light," he says into his book. I move out of the way so that he can see. "Thank you."

"Now, would you be as so kind as to scoot?" He waited a whole four seconds before removing his feet from the bleachers. I've only said two words to the guy and I'm already rethinking this whole plan. Maybe he's just too big of a-

"Are you going to sit down or what?"

"Thank you," I manage to muster. I watched the game for a few minutes, glancing at Ciel occasionally. He really was pretty, for a boy. Even though he was just in jeans and a hoodie, he still looked great. His skin was like porcelain, Even his hair glimmered in the fluorescent football lights. And the way he sat cross legged with his book between his feet was, dare I say, utterly adorable.

As I was admiring my future trophy, I noticed that he was reading Catcher in the Rye, which, if I remembered correctly, wasn't a book that sophomores were reading until next year. Digging into the classics during his free time, also rather impressive. This was the perfect time to begin phase one of my plan. The hook.

"You don't look interested," I said, trying to put the interest on him. From what I've seen, he really enjoys being the center of attention. Why else would he tear Alois away while I was trying to make a move? He was jealous and I wouldn't take any other answer.

"That's probably because I'm not."

"That's an excellent book you're reading. If I remember correctly, Caulfield is narrating the story while sitting cozy in a padded cell." I chuckle, that was sure to impress him.

"That isn't a lie," Ciel flipped the page, he looked as uninterested as ever.

"Ah, yes. Never did figure out why." That erupted a sort of scoff out of Ciel.

"Are you bloody serious? Holden submitted himself to the mental ward after realizing that his perpetual existence is just a never ending cycle of attempting to preserve everyone's childlike sense of wonder, while he himself is still trying to wedge himself into the upcoming adult world. In a nutshell, he tried to save everyone when he couldn't even save himself. It's very clear."

"So," I said, changing the subject before I caused any more damage, "Why are you here then?" I meant it to come out concerned but it just came out snarky. That's negative two points for Sebastian. Ciel rolled his eyes and buried his nose back in his book, yet carried on the conversation.

"For Alois. He wanted to watch Claude play. He's in a desperate place right now so I would appreciate it if you didn't try and take him home with you. I don't think he could handle that right now," he answered honestly. I really didn't care about why he was there all that much but at least we were actually getting somewhere instead of him yelling at me every time I opened my mouth.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, sometimes, after people go through break ups, they can become very ex-oriented. They might start to neglect there friends. I was just making sure that you didn't feel lonely."

"No, I understand that Alois needs his grieving period. I like it a little, honestly. It gives me some time alone."

So, he wasn't a narcissist. Alright, new theory. He's friend-centered. He's an if-you-wanna-be-my-lover-you-gotta-get-with-my-friends kind of guy. I can work with that.

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