intro <3

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welcome to my new story! if you like wlw stories i actually have another one published (not finished currently) , called conflicted. you should check it out.

this book is also not finished as of right now, so nothing is final.

not proof read so please excuse any typos or errors

mature language is used , and sexual situations.

now for face cards!

mei'lani torè jones(may-lani  tor-ay  jones)

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mei'lani torè jones
(may-lani  tor-ay  jones)

mei'lani torè jones(may-lani  tor-ay  jones)

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nazaria marie solano
(na-zari-uh. ma-ree  so-lan-o)

kamaria mariah lee(ka-mar-ee-uh  ma-ry-uh  lee)

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kamaria mariah lee
(ka-mar-ee-uh  ma-ry-uh  lee)

kamaria mariah lee(ka-mar-ee-uh  ma-ry-uh  lee)

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amiri lee jackson
(uh-mi-ree lee jackson)

 sekai amar williams(s-uh-ky a-mar williams)

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sekai amar williams
(s-uh-ky a-mar williams)

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