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nazaria's pov————

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nazaria's pov

i was at practice warming up, just glancing at lani on the bench.. i couldn't shake what happened yesterday.

i don't know why i was so upset, as if it had happened to me.

but i really cared about lani, in a way i don't care for anyone else. i don't know why, or what it was.

i wanted to protect her. to be there for her.

as the whole practice went by, i couldn't keep myself from constantly locking eyes with her. every time i looked up to see what she was doing, she was already looking at me.

every time we'd lock eyes, she'd smile. she has the most beautiful smile ever, she's so precious.

"okay girls i have a surprise for yall", coach said as we were out of breath, bent over and on the floor trying to catch our breath from the 30 we just ran.

"i got yall an airbnb for the weekend", she said and we all clapped in excitement , "the season is coming up and you guys have worked so hard so far. And you all have to work on chemistry." , she explained as we all drank our water & gatorade.

"you guys can go tonight if you'd like, but we have it until sunday evening." , coach added on , "you all are dismissed", she said walking off

"AYE ITS A PARTY" , bri hollered and we all clapped and yelled

i walked over to lani, eating her ice per usual.
"you going tonight?" , i asked sitting next to her on the bleachers

"i'll go when you go", she said smiling up at me

"we can go tomorrow, wanna come over tonight?" , i asked her

she looked at me squinting in a joking way, "why you want me to come over?"

"i like spending time with you", i said and a smile found its way to her face

"okay im a lil traumatized though", she said joking referring to amiri

"stop playing with me", i chuckled

she took my hand and we walked out the gym together.

being the fact that my mom went out of town for another one of her business trips, i was looking forward to lani's company.


at the house

"can you give me some clothes to change into?" , she asked me, sitting on top of my comforter

"yeah , hold up", i said throwing her a graphic tee and some basketball shorts , "ima go shower, i'll be back", i said leaving the room



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mei'lani's pov

i was laying across zari's bed in the clothes she gave me, waiting for her to get out the shower.

i felt like going in the bathroom with her on some clingy shit, i don't know why.

i felt surprisingly comfortable.

i was playing games on my ipad when she came back in the room and closed the door behind her. i watched her every move as she threw her dirty clothes in her laundry basket and put on lotion.

she then put cocoa butter on her face and glanced at me , "you see something you like", she chuckled , joking with me per usual

i just laughed

"why you not under the covers?", she asked tugging at the covers under me

"waiting for you", i said scooting off the bed, "can i get on the inside"

she nodded and i crawled on the bedside closest to the wall.

we both got under the covers and i let my head make its way to her shoulder , she then rested her head on top of mine

"you okay?" she asked me

"yeah.. i don't know"

"talk to me"

"i just feel disrespected. now people probably think i actually fucked on that boy. don't get me wrong, idc what people think.. its just disrespectful. i let you in my space, you know?"

"yeah , i understand. you can't expect everyone to be genuine, people are cruel" , she said gently touching my hand

"you're not cruel?" i asked looking up at her, joking

"just might be", she said and my laugh faded , "im joking. i don't wanna hurt you. i like you" , she added on

i looked up at her, "you like me?"

"yeah like you cool, i like being around you", she expressed

"i like being around you too"

she put her arm around me and i laid on her chest as i effortlessly went to sleep with my face in her hoodie , taking in her scent.

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