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Hi, it's me again. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you too much. It's just that I can't help it. Pardon me for my behavior towards you. I know it's been awkward for you when I'm around, I can feel it, you know? Haha.

But seriously, I am sorry that I  have put you in situations like that. It was never my intention to make you feel that way. Liking you was not an excuse to do those. I know that my actions felt wrong to you. Maybe it made you feel embarrassed. Regardless, I deeply apologise for it.

This might be the last letter I will write for you. I want to say a lot but I don't know how. Or maybe I do know, but my courage is nowhere to be found. Well, here goes nothing.

You made me the person I am today. Believe it or not, you are my inspiration to aim higher. It's funny because I know for myself that I am not, never were, like this. Not until you came.

You made me see things on the brighter side, even if I am a pessimist myself. Unconsciously talked to Him when I have no one else. What can I do? You are a believer, and I tend to question things. I never meant to be a religious person, but over time, I realized that I've been having conversations with Him because of you. Questions there, questions here. Everything. And one day I just realised that, “I've never been like this before.”

You made me hold on to life a little bit longer. I don't know, but when things got worse and everything is in chaos, just a thought of you calms me. You became a vital part of me that even I, myself, wasn't aware of it.

Thought it was just a simple crush, but look what happened. Fate never worked out for me, I guess? Haha. You might not be aware of your effects on me, but never mind. It was just in my perspective, after all.

I like you. I might have loved you or still am, that I'm not sure. I never want to know. I just... like you. And that is all that matters to me. Out of all the people in the world, I am pleased to meet you. Even just as one of your classmates.

Until next time, my Moon Goddess.

Yours truly,

Moon GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now