Story 15 - Come & Find Me.... Mate [Werewolf Short Story]

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Ellie ran.

As simple as that I ran. I ran with as much force as I could push my stick like legs. My bare feet slapped on the cement pavement in time to my harsh slams from the heart. My ribs protesting every time. The sound of my feet slapping and my heart chorused the sounds of my pants as I ran down the alley each shadow, sound or even thought making me push myself harder, faster, further.

I was tiny, I could admit that, a small tiny girl that never once in my life cared about lifting a weight or running on a treadmill and who would smother myself in chocolate over lettuce any day. And yet for the first time ever I was chucking those morals of mine away about girl’s appearances and suddenly wishing I was a gym junkie. Oh how I wish.

My breath tore and scorched my throat as my feet protested at the shards of grass from my escape sinking in, and deep. My white dress was torn up the side and smudged with black grease and oil from when I’d hidden under a car. My skin felt like ice against the winter breeze whilst the cuts and bruises seared like a fire throughout the rest of me. My whole body complained and yet my head just kept saying over and over again; Run, run, run, run. The voice was now so calm and monotone that it frightened me more. Was I running out of will? Of belief? Adrenaline? Was I truly giving in?

Was this the end?

Skidding out of the alley and onto a street my ankles rolled and protested awkwardly from the skid my feet finding every edge to knock me down some more. I was past flinching or whimpering from the odd knocks now. The only proof at times was my twitching lip or my arms pumping harder as I ran.

Seeing the park that led into private property I didn't hesitate in the slightest to scramble under the fence wire where the rabbits and other wild animals scrambled under. My dress getting caught and even more damaged. I didn't care. It was only a wedding dress.

Wedding. Just the thought had me rolling my eyes. A wedding seemed just so....normal. Under such circumstances it seemed like a laughable matter. Who got married? Ellie certainly didn't. Not because I didn't believe in love. No, I in fact thought I was in love with Mr. Carter De La Franging. Oh but how I’d been played. And yet I wasn’t robbed of innocence, cheated on, or stolen by money. No Mr. Carter De La Franging betrayed my through his teeth, his sharp fangs of teeth. My soon to be husband had lied. Just about the littlest detail of him being a FUCKING VAMPIRE!!! I grunted rolling my eye and fuming. Who the hell did that?! Who decides it’d be funny to reveal you’re a vampire on your wedding day as you walk down the aisle and you see your soon to be husband sinking his sickly fangs into someone, and not just anyone but your freaking best friend who was your maid of honour and also sleeping with my fiancé. And get this right; she’s also a freaking fey. What’s a fey? Well in my running for my life experience I decided to check out Google through my iPhone and what do you know my best friend is apparently a sparkly little fairy. Just beautiful isn’t it? Betrayed by a vampire and fairy? I mean how does that even work? I mean he’s all death and she’s all glitter and princesses. Right? I clenched my fists tighter, I didn't know! I was so unsure! I’d only just been introduced into this world as not even moments earlier the church windows were smashed opened (a vampire in a church? I know funny right?) and a whole bunch of snarling, growling and death occurred. Well you can guess what I did right? I got the heck out of there! Well of course after slapping Lisa the slut-tastic Fey across the face.

So basically in summary here I am now on the run and fearing for my life because apparently me knowing about make belief and fairytales whilst also running from the “King of Awesomness.” His words not mine! Was a sin! You know what’s a sin? Lying, adultery, and you know maybe being a freaking vampire! Apparently my dear fang friend was out to get me and not in a let’s elope and dance into the sunset kind of way. No, instead it was a let’s-destroy-you kind of way.

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