Story 4 - The First, But Never The Last

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As the words were said I felt eyes automatically turn to me. The words wounded my heart instantly and it wasn't going to hold on much longer. 

I tried to shake the words, I started to fidget, my breathing quickened and my leg jiggled up and down, both at the same rhythm. My arms curled around my waist, holding me together. Suddenly it was hot and I could feel the sweat trickling down my spine.  

More eyes were now focused on my back, noticing my reaction, half confused, half knowing or presuming they had an idea of what had caused this mess to explode from me. Someone usually calm, happy and positive, smiling constantly never....this. Except... 

I winced before I could think of it, I jumped up. All eyes on me now, I stumbled and automatically clung onto the chair. I was not going to pass out here. She looked up confused as always, she hadn't noticed my reaction, she'd kept reading.  

"Gotta go." I gasped my voice constricted; she nodded slowly trying to grasp what was in front of her. I spun around my skin white as my body shook and trembled.  

I reached for the handle, my hands couldn't keep still. Finally fumbling the door knob open I turned the handle and ran. 

Either I would break down in front of the class or by myself.  

I liked the alone idea, it would be nothing new for me at least. 

As I ran out the corridor and into the open I leant against the wall waiting for the flood.  

I could hear footsteps over my panting breath, not wanting an audience I turned taking a step to run again, although a war hand wrapped around my wrist bringing me to a halt. Spinning me around I winced closing my eyes tight allowing the tears to fall. I took a deep and steadying breath and slid my eyes back open "I can't...I gotta..." I stopped to take a deep breath and began to stammer again; "I gotta....go....can't do...this" I said trying to escape their hold, a hold I would have gladly accepted any other occasion. The tears came stronger each time I stammered, making it even harder, I took one more breath. And that was it. I lost all strength. I began to collapse.  

That's when they noticed and took me in their arms, embracing me. I still sank to the floor and they sank with me until we were on the ground, my face hidden in their shirt and neck, crying as their hands stroked my hair and the other wrapped firmly around my waist whispering in a soothing voice; "Shhhhh." 

I let out the tears, it felt like hours but gradually my eyes grew dry and breathing steadied. My tears had soaked into the shirt, a very good shirt I must add. I groaned and they became frantic, probably scared of more tears, they stroked my long blonde wavy hair again. I sighed at the feeling of his gentle touch to my hair.  

I pulled back a tiny bit to look into in his eyes "I'll get you a new shirt. I swear." He watched me for the shortest moment until he threw his head back and laughed. I smiled weakly in reply, tears still escaping down my face. At that moment one glided down, he stopped and leant in, I held my breath closing my eyes until his warm fingers brushed the tear away ever so lightly. I shivered at the feel of his touch and warmth, I knew I was still white and cold, his arms tightened around me. 

I sighed "So sorry." I whispered keeping my eyes closed, I couldn't speak with my eyes linked to his. He brushed away another tear and this time his lips were at my ear.  

"Why?" he whispered, my heart skittered at the feel of his ticklish breath. "For all of this." I answered his question in a mere whispered, I could feel him chuckle, my eyes flew opened in response. 

Why was I shocked? I expected this, for him to react like this. For him to laugh and run away telling all his friends.  

Reading my expression he stopped mid chuckled and brushed another tear. "I'm not running anywhere." He soothed, I looked at him startled. 

Could this guy read minds or something? It wasn't possible, was it?  

He sighed, "Elle. I want to be there for you." I couldn't speak nor translate that. Was this a joke? To get my hopes up that this gorgeous guy I have loved for so long now was in love with me too? Or was he here for the entertainment? I mean who could blame him, it was better than class and it was like a soap opera.  

"Elle, we've been friends for so long now, I know your story, and you told me. Only me. Everyone else just presumes, most wrong, but still." He paused to study me as I winced by his words; his fingers ran down the side of my face gentle and soothing. "I want to be the one to be able to help you through these moments of your life. I want to help. To make everything to you beautiful again. I want to be there, to make you happy. I want you to cry in my arms, not alone or in anyone else's. But mine." For those two last words two things happened; his voice lowered to a whisper and my eyes slid closed at his words, words that didn't make sense. 

"Why?" I questioned softly, something lightly touched my head, and it felt like lips. Was that possible?  

"Elle. Do you not realise that I love you?" 

My breath froze in my throat, freezing in place.  

"Elle, I'm sorry. I wish I could say I'm joking, so you wouldn't be scared. But I won't lie anymore. I'm crazy about you Elle. I just can't not think or stare or dream about you. Your gorgeous and funny and your laugh and smile it's just ugh- so cute." He paused. "It's too much for you, I realise that. I can leave you alone if you want." 

Suddenly I moved. It was as if someone had flicked on a light switch.  

I kept my eyes shuts as he continued talking, I couldn't chicken out, I just couldn't.  

I reached out and found his face, he trailed off and in an instant I pulled his lips down to cover mine. The taste and tingle of his touch was amazing, in a low groaning sound he wrapped both arms around my waist and pulled me towards him, until my hands fell limp against his chest. His hands slowly made their way up to my face, tracing me while crawling up to my face, once he was there his fingers traced my face, every inch; from my jaw line to my eyes and nose, my neck, everywhere. I shivered at the sensation and he pulled me closer groaning again. 

I slowly curled my arms up and around, circling his neck and pulling my fingers softly through his hair. His lips taste sweet, his breath blew into me, joining mine, and his tongue lingered in my mouth, his fingers still softly tracing and every now and then brushing through my hair.  

Unfortunately we had to both pull back up for air. My forehead rested on his, our hearts beating at the same rhythm, I loved feeling his heart beat under mine. Our breathing soon became even and normal; paced again.  

When I could finally talk I whispered; "Don't. Please, don't leave me."  

He groaned and lowered his lips to my jaw, his lips moved across my jaw under my ears and down my neck, until it was too much and I groaned pulling his chuckling face back to mine and he ever so lightly pressed his lips to mine. 

"Never." He whispered once he released. I closed my eyes as his fingers stroked my check "I love you." I said in a whisper, he kissed my throat, since my head had fallen back. "Thank you." He murmmed into my skin.  

I sighed at his warm breath and our lips met again and again moved in the same rhythm. 

Not for the last time either.


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