Story 9 - The Truth Sets You Free... At Least The Heart

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"Come on! Seriously? Ever?" Scott asked sitting in front of me on the low brick fence, I smiled shrugging as I stood close to him. But not too close; there was a gap unfortunately. 

Scott looked at me tilting his head to the side. "You're not sharing are you? Steph?" I smiled wide, he grabbed my hand and my heart twanged. He pulled me "Come one." I giggled, as the gap was filled. "C'mon." He pleaded pulling me again, that's all it took; we lost balance, we shook and trembled; Scott fell back onto the grass pulling me along. 

I fell half on top of him, laughing, he smiled watching.  

"Thanks for breaking my..." but I trailed off as I noticed Scott's lips inches from mine, I looked at his lips. "My fall." I whispered and then my lips touched his. My hands limp on his chest; could feel his heart racing, Scott's hands reached up so softly and grabbed my face, pulling my face in closer. Our lips fell apart, with a gush of breath, they mixed together. I loved the feel of his hands and lips touching me; my heart gained more speed. I tingled and trembled and my head grew light and dizzy. 

His tongue ran along my bottom lip as he pulled away, I sighed at peace. I placed my cheek on his chest, listening to his heart. I didn't speak, I didn't know what to say and I didn't know what Scott's reaction to my sudden pounce would be. A positive was when his hand came down to my face and his thumb stroked my lips as he buried his head in my hair. It was silent except for our breathing. 

Finally he murmmed in my hair, his lips moving against my waves, calming me; "What are you thinking?" I didn't answer straight away, I paused to think. 

"Do you know now?" I finally asked in a whisper  

"Know what?" he whispered back 

"When you asked me" I said pausing "before. About wether I have been in love?" I finally admitted, my face tinting slightly.  

He didn't answer for a bit, I regretted my words and began to panic about what was next to come.  

"Sorry" I finally whispered. 

He grabbed my face pulling me up so he could see me, he kissed me lightly. 

"Don't be." He murmmed his lips on the corner of mine "I'm just trying to think." He admitted I grew confused; he smiled faintly at my reaction. 

"I'm trying to find words to describe the feelings I hold for you, I just....can't do it. No words could cover it." He said is frustration rising. 

I kept perfectly still, only my lips pulled up into a smile.  

"I just...can't" he continued, he looked at me finally pained, noticing my smile he became cautious and curious "What? Whats so funny?" he asked. 

I giggled "Not funny, just happy. I am." I admitted. "So you don't mind that I kissed you?" I asked, my heart getting ready. 

He finally understood; "What? No. Steph, of course not. If you hadn't I would of." He said his thumb touching my lips again, my heart was ready. 

"And are you....well kinda like or love me?" I asked 

He smiled with a hint of frustration "More like love. Or more. I just can't find the right one..." he said trailing off in thought "Is love enough of a word for you?" he asked guiltily and apologetic. 

I smiled grabbing his face and pulling his face towards me "I think ill cope." I said happily. My heart soaring as he pulled me in closer as the kiss grew stronger and more enjoyable. 

"Definitely capable." I murmmed holding his face, he chuckled and pulled back bitting down on my lower lip his forehead against mine and our noses touching, I closed my eyes as we listened to our breathing steadying.  

"Have I ever told you how gorgeous you look?" he asked, I smiled 

"Have I ever told you I love you?" I asked. 

He chuckled, our heads bouncing 

"Hmmmm. No, I don't think you have." He said, I could picture his smile.  

"Well I do. A lot. It's crazy. You'll get sick of it." I said smiling with a joke and warning in one.  

"Never" he said simply. "Steph your drop dead gorgeous, breath taking, stunning and your just so adorable and addictive, your smile and your beam of light. You're irresistible." He said pausing for breath "I love you."  

I smiled; "Glad we agree." He smiled and his lips pressed against mine, I giggled. "So cute: he murmmed his lips gliding along my neck, my eyes close as his lips crawled. Finally I couldn't take it any longer and I pulled him back to me, his body vibrating as he chuckled.  

I released and rested my chin on his chest closing my eyes, letting the sun warm my face and the wind wisp around me, I could feel his eyes on me, I didn't mind, completely. It was silent, the wind danced around me and my hair brushed my face lightly. 

Suddenly taking me by total shock, Scott's hands grabbed my face and pulled my lips to his with extra force, next thing I knew was that it was now me on my back and him on top. Scott made sure he limited the pressure, his hands moving to either side of me pushing him up, he tore his lips from mine before they were even a centimetre way I reached up and grabbed his face, bringing it back closer. I moaned in pleasure and Scott chuckled. Scott's hands moved to my stomach and hips sitting gently on top, his fingers brushing along me.  

We pulled apart gasping, Scott instantly lowered his face into my hair and neck, kissing his way along, my eyes closed at peace, his lips growing closer until they're reached the corner. 

"Steph?" he murmmed 

"Mmmmm?" I asked 

"Will you cope?" he asked 

I opened my eyes to see his brown set. "Stop talking." I murmmed grabbing his face and pulling it down, he chuckled kissing me once "take" twice "that" for a third time "as" last one "yes." He murmmed. 

I smiled looping my arms around his neck, "I think I'll be just fine." I murmmed. 

"Mmmmm." He said "As long as you don't leave me." He said. 

I kissed him "Exactly." I said giggling.

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