Battle against the moon part 2

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Moving away from the battle in space, Shadow and Supreme teleport to the tower of the masters. The titan pushes the hedgehog away.

S.Shadow: Grr! We need to talk! Can't you see that we want to help?

Supreme just pulls out his gun, clearly doesn't care what Shadow has to say.

S. Shadow: I see.. If there is no other way, Surely this will calm you down .

Supreme vs Shadow

The titan tried to keep the Ultimate Life Form at bay with his weapon, but Shadow was too fast for any projectiles to hit him. Supreme would fly after him, however, by now he is already starting to feel the injuries accumulated during the fights. Still, he does everything he can to win.

Shadow gives him no mercy, he is doing Spindash circles around him, disintegrating his weapon, then he uses his Chaos spears energy blasts, burning his wings. When Supreme tries to knock him off the tower, the hedgehog uses the Cyloop technique, witch he learnt from his rival to keep him in the air. The Titan is trapped, stuck in the sky.

S. Shadow: Last chance! Have you reconsidered?

Supreme didn't answer him.

S. Shadow: You wanted it. CHAOS BLAST!!

The titan is surrounded by red chaos energy, which everyone on the island can see.

Amy: Huh? What is a red light?

Tails: Shadow? Did they win against the End?

Sage: No, I can still feel its presence. But Sonic and Knuckles...

Amy: You don't mean...

Tails: Guys...

Eggman: Hmmm...(I wonder what their plan might be.?)

After the explosion, Supreme falls straight to the top of the tower. The force of the trap is so great that the tower starts to tilt to the side. Shadow props up the building and straightens it back to its original position.

S. Shadow: Too bad it had to end this way. I have to go help the other two. It might not be too late. CHAOS-

M.K. Koco: Wait, Shadow the hedgehog!

S.Shadow: Hmm? That voice...

Supreme hears him too.

They teleport to the trial room.

S. Shadow: Sorry, but I don't have time to negotiate, my companions need me.

M. K. Koco: We will talk to him.

The 3-ancestor warrior appears as a hologram in front of the titan.

Ancestor 1: Brother! They have defeated you, you are injured and we can no longer fight together.

Progenitor 2: They made a mistake, they were tricked, but now they know who the real enemy is.

Progenitor 3: They protected their own communities, just as we did at the time.

The titan seems calmer, though still angry.

Ancestor 4: Did they make a mistake? They destroyed you without question, they listened to the first voice that told them. I cannot forgive these creatures...I have failed leader, this is the end. I can't beat him!

M. K: Koco: This "creature" fought an equal battle with your 3 companions, and the red anteater pushed you back. So if we somehow want to win, we only have a chance with them.

Ancient 4: But leader-

M. K: Koco: Supreme! Don't let your anger and past disappointments blind you. That's not what I taught you. It's worth giving fighters a second chance, especially if we have a common enemy.

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