the trial begins

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Amy manages to get the Kockos to safety and then rushes towards Sonic.

Amy: Oh...Still no improvement in your condition?

Eggman: Why would it? I've been playing bodyguard all this time. (Pointing behind her, Amy notices the accumulating mound of defeated robot parts.)

Amy: Heh. hey eggman Thanks.

Eggman: Hmph. No one else can beat him but me, that's my job. Are you done yet?

Amy: The Kocko are now safe. Help the guys hunt for the emerald, while I'll be by Sonic's side.

Eggman: They haven't collected them yet? Of course you are useless. I'm bored anyway. (He went after EggmanTails and Knuckles.)

Amy: ...I hope You can last until then.

Cyber Sonic: ...-...

Meanwhile, with the boys.

Knuckles: Phew. We found 6, but the last one is nowhere to be found, even though we looked over the entire island of Oranos. Tails, you've been flying around, haven't you?

Tails: Sure, but nothing. We have already defeated all the guards. Knuckles, what does your gut tell you, where could it be?

Knuckles: Hmm...I have a bad feeling...We didn't even look at the Titan anymore.

Tails: You think it might be in his head.

Amy: Well... As lucky as we are...

Eggman: What's wrong? Are you forced to do anything without the hedgehogs?

Knuckles: Hmph! Why don't you distract him? You did so much for the mission anyway. This Titan must not be such a big challenge for the "great" Eggman. Huh?

Eggman: Hohoho. You seem to have gotten smarter over time. But I refuse to be the only bait. I need a guarantee, I think you understand.

Amy: Guys! Someone should stay by Sonic's side. out of the four of us, you have a better chance of winning, it's no problem if I stay.

Tails: Of course not. Yours is the most important task.

Knuckles: Just leave the emerald to us.

Amy: Huh. Thanks.

Eggman: yes, be as useful as you have been in your life.

Amy: Tch! Just try not to get in the way of the real heroes.

Eggman: If they can follow at all.

Tails starts the tornado, which Knuckles jumps on.

Tails: The last one is a rotten egg Eggy.

Eggman: Grrr! Fraudsters! (He goes after them.)

Amy: You see Sonic...We'll do anything to bring you back. I hope Shadow has similar success.

Cyber Sonic: ...-...

Switch to the black hedgehog

Sshadow: Well, we just have to climb this tower, right?

Sage: Exactly. As you did the previous ones at a tenpo pace, I can say that you did it perhaps faster and more efficiently than Sonic would have done.

(Shadow couldn't help but smirk at Sage's comment.) Hmph. Maybe? Not sure! Unlike him, I focus more and think before I act. Let's start!

Once again, Shadow climbs to the top of the tower without difficulty, using enemies, robots, and platforms elegantly like a trained agent with a GUN. However, after they reached it, a so far unknown voice spoke to them.

What if: Shadow FrontiersWhere stories live. Discover now