April 14th

23 0 0

06:48 am:

The coffee burns my lips as I sip it back. Knowing full well that it will stain my pearly white teeth. People say I'm closer to nature for drinking pure dark roast, others say it's just another scent that I must use to allure women.

I gaze out my kitchen window, starring mindlessly at the skyline below. Cars, buses, and trucks zip by on the busy, rough, street below.

"Why doesn't the average human get that time isn't anything..."

10:01 am:

"Sergeant Shoo won't know what hit him when I end this case... I will find out who the Suburban Strangler is..."

I pull up to the fifteenth station just after ten. Cruisers and patty wagons line the back of the brick building. Chunks of bricks cover the hard top. Stepping out of my SUV, I feel the burning glares and states of the other officers on the backside of my leather jacket.

"What's with all these pigs?"

"Denver?" Rebecca calls out as I enter the stuffy building. "Denver, come here!"

"Ok?!" I respond as I walk up the mini-steps into the homicide offices.

Detectives and case workers fill the hallway like room. All working in little cuticles unless you're like Detective Rebecca Louis; then you get a private office.

"I think the case has blown wide open. It appears the Suburban Strangler may have made a single, critical mistake. He-"

"We believe he might have lacerated himself when strangling the mother." Cassie cuts in as she sips on her Chai tea mocha latte with two shots of espresso, and three shots of caramel on a top of low fat, glucose free, celiac safe whipping creme. "An unknown blood donor was found on the mothers index finger. The blood type is O+ which is going to be incredibly hard to track."

"Like I was saying, it looks like got severe rope burn when the mother fought back. Her three finger prints were damaged to the point that the fingerprints would be unrecognizable."

Cutting in I add my suggestion. "Do you think the blood is enough for us to identify the Suburban Strangler?"

"I doubt it Denver.." Cassie sighs. "The blood type is so popular that majority of known criminals will have it. And who's to say he's committed a crime before? For all we know he could be a first time offender."

The whiteboard is full of information about our six dead families; background information, death information, and personal information on each victim. The only pattern is each working parent works in a lower class job that pays more than it should.

"Maybe the Suburban Strangler is jealous of the high paying wages each parent got?"

The office is buzzing with speculations about who the killer really is and why he'd be so foolish to make a simple mistake like cutting himself. A quarter of the office thinks this killer is a simple copy cat, another quarter is simply in disbelief, and the last half is determined to catch this humanoid monster.

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