Simple Heterochromea

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Simple Heterochromea

It was Wednesday afternoon which meant that Maya ate outside for lunch and fed the pigeons that came out, even though there were signs up about not feeding them. But Maya had been feeding the pigeons far longer than the signs were put up and she couldn't just stop doing it. The blonde closed her eyes as she took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes tiredly, Maya put her glasses back on and started to eat her snap peas that she always packed for Wednesdays.

"Hello." Riley said, her adorable accent still coming through, the blonde almost choked on the snap pea she was eating as she gasped from being scared.

"D-D-D-D-Do-Don-n't sss-ss-s" she said taking in a deep breath as she tried to calm down. "Sc-sca-scare m-m-m-me l-l-li-li-lik-ke th-th-that." Maya said and took out her inhaler and took two puffs of it.

"Ohh! I'm sooo sorry! You okay?" Riley asked hitting Maya's back softly to help her, the blonde nodded softly and threw pieces of chopped up stale bread at the ground watching the pigeons. "You haven't told me what Wednesday is. I know that Sunday is Soap Opera day, Monday is book day, Tuesday that nice lady gives you a double fudge brownie." She said readjusting herself on the bench. "Thursday is Law and Order day, Friday is drawing day." She continued and thought hard. "And Saturday is Movie day. What's today?" The brunette asked scooting a little closer to the blonde.

"I-I-It's uh b-b-bi-bird fe-fee-eding d-d-day." Maya said, normally she would hate people being this close to her but Riley was different. She was the only one that let her finish her whole sentence without trying to complete the words for her, she was the only one genuinely interested in her weird habits and the only one who actually wanted to spend time with her.

"Can I feed them with you?" Riley asked raising her eyebrows curiously. Maya nodded and handed her the baggy with the bread cubes. "They have names?"

Maya nodded and pointed at the one whose wings were injured. "Th-th-that-that's I-I-Icarus... Th-th-the gre-eek de-demi-go-god wh-who gl-glue-glued w-wi-wings o-on-onto h-h-his b-ba-back s-s-so h-he c-co-ould fly. W-w-well h-h-he g-got too cl-clo-se t-t-to th-the s-sun, a-and h-his w-wing-s bu-burne-ed off." Maya said looking into Riley's eyes. Riley smiled and nodded. "P-per-cius i-is th-the o-o-one fi-fi-fight-ting wi-with Me-Medu-sa." She said pointing at the two fighting ones.

"Ohh I get it. They're named after Greek gods and goddesses." Riley said and Maya nodded.

"E-e-except Br-Br-Brad-ley COO-p-p-per." Maya said and laughed softly and fed the birds a bit more. Riley giggled more and nodded.

"Cute name." Riley said and looked at the birds around them. The brunette smiled happily at the blonde as she scooted a bit closer so they were sitting right next to each other. "So what do you do after this?" Riley asked, the blonde shrugged and bit her lip, she pushed her glasses up and clapped off the breadcrumbs from her hand. The brunette took Maya's scabbed up hand and made a clicking sound with her tongue. "Can't believe those jerks would do that to you." She said sighing. Her sighs even sound French. Maya thought making a mental note to herself. The blonde yawned softly. "How about we make Wednesdays days we go to my house? Of course if you're okay with it." Riley suggested.

"S-S-So-Soun-nds fu-fun." Maya said and offered Riley a snap pea which the brunette gladly took and the blonde packed up her lunch and put it in her backpack and smiled at Riley. "I-I-I-I'm gl-l-la-ad I-I-I-I me-e-e-t y-yo-you." Maya said shyly, she felt Riley walk up next to her and hold her hand.

"I'm glad I met you too." Riley said honestly and squeezed Maya's hand softly.

I can't believe I finally have a friend.

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